What was the most recent game you stopped playing because it was boring?

What was the most recent game you stopped playing because it was boring?

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This picture gave me PTSD because there are like 3-4 mice in my house somewhere. I can't find them and I always see them running out the corner of my eye into a thin area of the house like being my refrigerator. I put mouse traps and they won't fall for them. I'm freaking out


They're just mice you wimp

That one Tom Clancy tactics game in the 3DS. Was expecting Fire Emblem. What I got lacked depth and was pretty boring.

horizon zero dawn

Watch dogs legion

Outward. Its like dark souls 2 but somehow way WAY worse. Like i dont get how a game could be this dull.

haha what do you think he's reading

What a smart, bright, young boy!

do you live in a slum or something

I hope they shit into your mouth at night

no, I live in a very nice area actually, there's just a mice problem in a couple of the houses and one just had to be mine. probably should call someone for it

Smear chocolate on the mouse trap trigger, thank me later.

what kind of bait did you use? peanut butter works well but it stops working after a week. make sure to place the traps along walls and ideally behind things. They use walls and corners as little highways. They also are hesitant to eat something out in the open. make sure to use glue traps as well fuck the fags who think they dont deserve to suffer. I caught one within minutes of sticking a trap down and I drowned that little fucker. A mercy killing of sorts I guess.

Not for long!

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Risk of Rain 2 and Dragons Dogma

I have to play them more to get into them, but that's such a fucking hassle. I hate how much setup most games have. It's fucking annoying. I just want to fucking play.

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tes 1

I wish I could drown sick fucks like you

That game where you play as chimps
Ancestors Odyssee or something
Boring as fuck

>Not befriending micebros

Sunset Overdrive

Feed them and pet them.

better than throwing his ass in the trash to die slow. having sympathy for vermin trying to spread disease inside your home is peak pathetic anyway.

EYE Divine Cybermancy. It was fun to go through the campaign, but I thought I could tough it out and get a "120 in all stats" character without a save editor. I was wrong, progression becomes glacial once you get to around level 45, and even though blasting through tons of enemies is fun, it doesn't have enough variety to keep me engaged for the dozens of hours required to grind through that crap.

Not a bad game but it puts so much bullshit between you and the fun parts.

Yakuza 7. It's too slow and easy. Currently in chapter 5.

In the past week
>ac valhalla
>doom 2016
>rise of the tomb raider
>the division 2 (the first one was so fucking comfy, I play this every few months just to remind me how angry I am)

Honestly not sure if I like vidya anymore but I'm still going to buy cyberpunk 2077

I really feel you user, most games start way too slow for me.

You really really really need to play dragons dogma though, in my 28 years on earth it is the ONLY game I have ever played multiple times on multiple platforms, and when I first got it on ps3 I had dropped it before gran soren..

Its really good man.

Pillars of Eternity
I've tried to play it a couple of times but I just can't stand it.

Ditto. Been a fan of the series since 0 (over 160 hours across the games I've played), and I've barely been able to enjoy 7. I understand wanting to replace repetitive beat-em-up combat, but I don't understand why they had to change it with something 5 times worse and so out-of-place.

This looks like a bible, so he's an atheist or a priest.

Rimworld, it's so fucking slow and boring, idk why people enjoy it

>RoR 2
>have to play them more to get into them
What? RoR 2 is a fucking roguelike you can run through the game in a matter of hours. There is no progression between runs besides item and character unlocks which are hardly necessary. I think you just don’t like the game user. I agree with you for dragon’s dogma though, slow as fucking molasses start on that one.

>been a fan since 0 (PC)
>160 hours combined across what I will assume are three games
>not enough time to even get to Amon
Big fan over here

Its literally "words" the game. This game was unironically made by retards. I will never understand how can people play trash like this and I LOVED Divinity originial sin.

Obsidian are spiritually dead. They make trash shit.

Alien Isolation

It doesn't help that I played DQ11S beforehand with the draconian stuff on, which actually required me to not be braindead to survive

DBZ Kakarot

Not that user but RoR2 is boring at the start because you only have one character and one fucking gun.

I played it for 1.7hrs solo and had yet to unlock anything, I got tired of running the same fucking level over and over with the same character so I refunded.
If they had given 2 or 3 options from the start I wouldve kept trying.

Maybe it will be my Christmas game and I'll play it in December
Yeah RoR2 is kinda weird. I don't know. Feels like they lost their mojo.

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DQXI has the best pure turn based combat ever done so that makes sense.

They should have gone full RPG and given custom guns but kept the core gameplay.
It would have been simple to implement but they didn't want to do that for some reason.

Fucking zelda like with 6 different currency and shipper bait all over the place, fuck this game

If you do play Dragons Dogma I highly recommend the pc version and the mod on nexus that enables unlimited sprint (does not affect combat stamina so doesnt break balance) and potentially the unlimited carry capacity mod.

Neither of them make the game easier but they eliminate a small amount of tedium. I dont think I wouldve ever actually finished exploring the map without unlimited sprint.

Sounds like that would be competing with borderlands for players, and gearbox published RoR2.

They've already came in your leftovers.