Why aren't you giving your ps5 to your black bro?

why aren't you giving your ps5 to your black bro?

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He bought his wife's boyfriend one according to the thread.

Unironically wholesome and not in redd*t way.

I hope they have fun.

I'm going hiking on a mountain today

I wish I had friends

I hopw you have fun too, user.

>15 years
>since 360
Is this trying to gaslight me? My sense of time is already tenuous at best

Buying your black bro/bull a ps5 is reparations. Do it.

There are no blacks in my country


must be 3rd world. blacks in a country make it 1st world

cope more incel

Its because god hates you for being a terrible human being. You know it's true

My friends are white and they play on PC

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how white are they? Cute blonde twinks?

>Release date: November 22, 2005

my black bro is busy fucking my ex wife.

what went wrong in your life to get mad at this OP?

You sound mad.

He looks like he shares his wife with him too.

you sound like you never had sex with female species.

Man I wish I had a black weeb friend.

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I gave my best friend of couple of hand-me-down consoles when I upgraded them.


I'm based like that.

>Buying your black bro/bull a ps5 is reparations. Do it.
1. I ain't a cuck
2. No
3. there's no niggers in my country

I invite my friends and classmates to my house to have fun/BBQ/Booze/vidya sometimes when I feel I need company. sometimes I'll get to fuck my classmates or friends for fun.

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>nov. 22, 2005

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Nigga aint got just a mask on for the covid, he got... A SONIC THE HEDGEHOG MASK lmao im thinkin he based

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Where the fuck did my time go?

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thank you user

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>fucking your guy friends in a gay orgy
based and greekpilled

Based med BVLL please fuck my wife.


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meant for

Do americans seriously...?

I was naturally blonde as a kid but my hair got a lot darker, which happened to pretty much everybody else. But yeah, pretty white

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Based med faggot taking it up the ass from his friends after treating them to BBQ and booze. It's thanks to cumrags like you that people can go on in their life normally. Though you forgot that meds nowadays are just roaches in disguise, no better than niggers.

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having black friends was your first mistake, posting a wojak is your second.

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>I can't get girl friend and basic bitches from class

You are not white if you are not blonde. This is simply fact.

White people are descendants of Pleiadeans

He will stab you and steal everything you have the moment you turn your back on him.

He wouldn't want it unless a fighting game's on it already. The guy still has his PS3 just to play Marvel vs. Capcom 1 & 2.

Do brown people get something ? :-/

I bet he fucked his wife (anal, probably) while the guy went out to get the console

>frogposting phoneposter

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He's fat, so he probably has a 2 inch dick, I feel sorry for his wife.

no you weren't slaves. this is for reparations

Frogposters are better than w*jak


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>I can't get girl friend and basic bitches from class
No, you can't.

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>grown men buying expensive gifts for each other

also I bet he isn't as close to this guy as he likes to think he is

cope, mutt

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>immediately thinks about guys
>female students and friends doesn't exist
I dunno bro, I think you might be gay here.

my friend bought me clothes. He tought i was looking poor. He bought me expensive jacket and pants and shit and he bought me McDonalds.

Also there was this girl who used to buy me liquor until she moved to better city. I miss her ocassionaly.

not as close as his wife is to the black guy that's for sure

Why would I give my black bro a bomb? Be more human, op.

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Is that really all you've got? I'm gonna kick your ass

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I don't care what you think, I don't need to impress you.

The post contained an image of a greek guy
The following reply implied homosexuality as a joke

You are an autist

lol why so insecure faggot
got something to tell us?

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not so fast

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I would never accept charity from someone else. if someone offers to buy me clothes like i'm a toddler i'll tell them to shove it up their ass

Why do you guys unironically think of interracial cuckoldry when you see this image?

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>this is the ultimate showdown
>of ultimate destiny

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J-janny, watch out!

I wish I had a rich helpful friend ;-;

You're not getting hotpockets today

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