Hentai Games

Can we have a coomer video games thread?

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What words do the 4 and the 2 hearts stand for?

There was this pixel art game about a girl in a science facility where different monsters could rape her and I totally forgot the name. The name was Portal something something. It had different monsters, but the ones I remember the most were a possessed dog and... a mantaray? It was a platformer game with MIDI music or something. I can't remember very well. I could never find it again.

If anyone fellow h-game connoisseur could help me find it it'd be very appreciated.

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V3 never ever

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>There was this pixel art game about a girl in a science facility where different monsters could rape her and
going to have to be much more specific user, theres a lot of games that fit that premise.

any good Mother/son incest or futa shemale ones?

4 is probably womb or cunt.
No idea what the 2 hearts could stand for.

literally too big to ever get made user. By god I admire his vision and what he's already managed to do but the scope is too damn big for one man, and he's already said he doesn't want help anymore because trying to quality control the the submissions was a nightmare.

It would be funny to make one, and make some money of it.

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sounds like Shinobi girl or one of the many angel/witch girl clones

Not for an oomerposter, no.

I'm continually impressed the nips keep trying. The west at least has the patreon excuse but unless I don't know about a nip equivalent, they just dump shit on dlsite and hope for the best.
I don't know how they make any money.

Otaku have honor and buy shit.
Also our East Asian friends in general are passionate about their projects, if they can get into something they will get into it real good. Half assing is not really their style.

Because there's an actual level of respect for people who make shit in Japan that doesn't exist in the west and its considered improper etiquette to pirate something without paying the creator first. It was the only thing keeping the OVA industry alive for a long time. But that's why now you see such lower quality animation and shorter OVAs now because people just pirate them right off the bat.

Which as much as I appreciate makes even less sense to me. So much effort for so little return.

I know it's a very broad explanation, but that's literally all I can remember from it.
>PC game, not flash or anything like that
>Anime grill
>Pixel art
>Platformer. kinda metroidvania, map's much smaller though
>Girl in science facility
>Creatures experimented on breaking out and they're horny as fuck
>There was a dog and a mantray monster
>It had a gallery where you could replay the sexy scenes

I'm really sorry I can't offer more clues, my memory's fuzzy.

How about you actually post one yourself OP nigger-faggot?

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Treasures of Nadia is sick, I just hate how comically huge the guys dick is

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Nah, don't feel like it. Next time make a thread without oomershit and with an actual game as image instead.

> So much effort for so little return
You can make some decent money if the game ends up doing well. Circles are usually one or two people and if a game moves 5000 copies on DLsite at 15 bucks a pop then the circle is walking away with 60k after DLsite takes their cut.

yeah that really doesn't narrow down shit.
Lab:still alive maybe?

fuck I know who the artist is but I don't remember his name


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Well try harder. I need it.

And that is the only road to really make it.

>Cum inside my heart
That cannot be healthy.

who is the best girl?

I stopped few updates ago, it was getting really boring and repetitive.

many, many thanks user, I will dedicate my first load to you.

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enjoy user.
there's a sequel when you're done with it

Wish there were more rape games with male protagonists. GhoulxGhoula is the ultimate rape H game


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To be fair at least they're honest about it being a coomer thread and not trying to act like it's "achtually vidya-related"

Any games with best genre Oyakodon?

Most of the incest wegs have it fucking your mother and sisters or daughter and wife, wondering about Hentai.

Try it out and make your own opinion, it's free so yeah, go for it dude

Video games you don't like are still video games.

here you go bros

thank you!

Why does Zig Forums bitch so much about threads they don't like? Is it autism?

based and milf pilled


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Women don't like being reminded how inferior they are to 2D.

I love games where all of the enemies are monster girls and you can go around fucking each of them. Doesn't really matter if it's by losing or winning, I just like the variety. I've already played Forest of the blue skin, Eroico and Succubus Affection, any other good ones?

Literally took me 5 minutes to find via tags you can assume from the cropped image because it seems to be popular, it is niggers do something yourself

based spoonfeeder

>muh sekrit club

>tfw acid style is still MIA
I know he'll deliver but I don't know when

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>muh filtered by basic gate keeping
Continual proof that it works.

For me it's Clare.

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Awful thread. Simple as.

>English translated
Reeks of new in here. Welcome to this website. Where did you come from?

Yes. Milf is already a pretty normalfag fetish, you gotta make sure you filter undesirable people.

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Thought that was motchie_kingdom's art for a moment.

Based spoonfeeders dabbing on seething clubshitters

Play WVM

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>TFW no character action game where you play as a 40ish MILF

uhhh bayonetta?

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