
Attached: file.png (750x741, 456.4K)

I will, thanks.

>m-m-muh day 0 patch

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Why are modern men so fragile?

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>day 0 patch
incompetent cunts

Its only pussy westerns. When i join a server full of Slavs or Arabs and type kill all gays they agree. When i join server full of westeren fags i get banned for homophobia by trannies. Fuck the west and fuck america

Because they're women.

bad times create strong men yada yada

>it doesn't need to be complete without a day 1 patch

>Day 0 Patch
Why is this even a thing?

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>dude the game just looks like shit because the day 0 patch is missing!!!
The absolute state of pre-orderfags.

I just wish someone with a brain would stream the game

And so the cope and damage control begins

Agreed join an African CSGO server and its like 2005 all over again people saying nigger shouting racial slurs constantly etc its fucking batshit.

Sounds based

Generations of unchecked Jewry in academia, media and all other facets of society designed to weaken and dumb down men such that they offer no resistance to the planned semitic destruction of all other nations and cultures other than International Jewry

History and 109 expulsions of jews proves beyond any reasonable doubt that wherever the jew exists, chaos and misery follow

Jesus this thread is becoming too based already, expect it to disappear shortly.

ye, but when you ask them how often their grandmas got raped by russians they have a meltdown just as bad as western pussies


day0 patch
hahhah....even that won't fix keaneu's god awful model ingame

take your meds Zig Forumstard

>This is a safe space
this entire aesthetic has been pozzed by limpwristed losers

The most hated factions in the world are literally the only ones trying to preserve conservative values and societal structure. Everyone else is sucking off dudes in dresses and insisting that the 9% 'majority' of white people need to take care of the 91% 'minority'.

Typically underage newfag memetalk

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>day 0 patch

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>game looks like shit, plays like shit, reeks of shit on subatomic level
>"patch 0 will fix it"


And patches have been proven time and time again that they don't change the core problems.

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ship the game out then have few weeks of bug fixing. bit shitty

How can you spoil a game with multiple choices though.

what's wrong with fixing the game after you got the proper feedback after release?

fucking this, the guy that leaked it was a fucking retard

Feel the exact same. "don't watch without the Day 0 patch!", "this is a safe space for spoilers!" This is what gaming has become. Unfinished trash for 70 dollars and using loaded sociopolitical wording to cover their toys from criticism.

>after you got the proper feedback after release
That's not what day 0 patch is

Reminder that they delayed this game for 2 months after the game already went gold so they could work on this supposed day 0 patch.
Interested to see just how broken this pile of wank is without muh patch.

Oh no, someone might see five minutes of content that was already in the trailers, played by a pair of giggling stoned morons.

no, you can't spoiler wholesome Witcher: New Vegas!

I have a suspicion that the game isn't even finished, and the "day zero patch" is actually just downloading the rest of the game.

Can the gaming industry just crash already im tired of all this bullshit. Day 0 patch becomes acceptable for a game thats been delayed 3 times already. Fuck CDPR and Fuck double standards. Imagine if EA or the NPC (COMPANY BAD HERE bethesda etc) did this everyone would be laughing at them and making 300 videos like yongyea about every single negative thing but because its CDPR its fine.

TLDR fuck cdpr fuck reddit and fuck the gaming industry

i hope it crashes
games are such garbage

These fags are seriously so worried about how bad the game they shaped their whole identity around is going to be that they are going to live in a cave until it releases in 2022?

>day 0 patch
this gave me cancer

well the game went gold in october, which means they sent a master copy to a facility to start printing discs.

and then they delayed it for a month, so obviously whatever version they sent to the printer is not something they are happy with.
Having a day 0 patch is dumb but its equally stupid to severely judge a game without the patch.
It's like if you grabbed a piece of cake right after it came out of the oven with no icing and then complained that it was hot and had no icing.

>what's wrong with fixing the game after you got the proper feedback after release?
What about releasing a game who doesn't need patches incel

the patch is coming on release day though, so they arent releasing a game that needs patched.
they are releasing a patched game.

cybertranny shill alert


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Why does it feel like every game needs tons of patches now? I understand content patches or patches fixing extremely broken aspects of a game, but now I feels like every other week there's a patch of some kind fixing stuff that I'm not even aware of. Don't get me started on multiplayer games where the balance is constantly tweaked.

nah I haven't bought the game and won't, I'm just a realistic person.
They aren't shipping the game until the day 0 patch is ready so whats the fucking point in judging it without the patch?
no normal person in the entire world is going to play the unpatched version, so I don't understand what the problem is?

the other alternative was to delay it even longer



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You fucking dumbass, they delayed the game and then have to release day 0 patch. What the fuck where they doing for 7 years? Being lazy niggers? Modern gaming is for retards.