Rosa's Huge, Heavy ________
Rosa's Huge, Heavy ________
stolen thread
You can't post nipples on
Imagine stuffing the fattest, unwashed dick down her throat and then busting a nut all over her chest and attire.
stolen post
>and attire.
Based. I want to cum all over her panties and make her wear them around.
I saw the /vp/ thread last night and I still can't stop thinking about her fat round ass.
Hair buns, of course
Between Rosa and Hilda, Gen 5 was the peak for female MC design.
So this is a man's brain on cooma?
Literally yes.
I lamented in that thread about being a coomer and seeing one ass picture sending my brain into overdrive. I still can't stop thinking about dat ass.
I wanna cum in her hair buns more than any other part of her body.
Unova is based in China
Average at best
Tits or Ass, Zig Forums?
You can't choose both, that's cheating. If your gf could only have one, which would you prefer?
It takes both to achieve the dream of a girl pressing her tits against another girl's ass with your dick sandwiched between.
Is Rosa really a titty girl? Does any of the official art hint that she's stacked? not that i'm complaining the fanart depicts her as such tho
Literally built for Hypno.
She actually has some semblance of tits, so she gets large breasts for art. Kinda like what happened with May.
How I get a chinese gf?
Huge heavy futa balls that i violently sniff
Why Chinese specifically?
Built for hypnos cook
Rosa's original name is Mei
May > Rosa