I don't fucking get it. Why are ps5s and xsex's smoking and exploding? Is there no quality control? We never see this with Nintendo consoles
I don't fucking get it. Why are ps5s and xsex's smoking and exploding? Is there no quality control...
Other urls found in this thread:
>bought a snoystation
>that avatar
It's beyond parody.
>We never see this with Nintendo consoles
Aren't the facing a slew of class action lawsuits because they can't make analog sticks properly?
On a side note, this is what you get when your hobby is made up of idiotic manchildren who can't wait out quality control, or resist paying over the odds for a launch prototype.
Why don't these people just learn to build a pc?
It takes several months of using joycon with unwashed hands to cause drifting issues, it isn't that tough to fix it, and worst case you get another pair or just use the pro controller which everyone sane bought anyways and completely avoids the issue.
PS5 has barely been out a week and it's already bricking
Not trying to defend the drift issue but it really isn't the same thing.
>not to defend the drifting issue
>defends the drifting issue 5 times
okay, but who cares? We ought to be hoping that every launch console fucks up hard, because only idiots lose their money and it would finally convince these corporations to release working consoles. The switch was just as bad. It would brick, and the middle of the console would warp.
It happens with every console launch. Maybe 20 in 2million break down. This has happened with EVERY new console release and it will continue to happen. Sometimes hardware breaks, most likely due to shipping but there are a plethora of reasons. Could even be that it came faulty straight from the factory and no one caught it. It’s not a big deal and you need to realize that not everything is perfect in this world.
>we never see this with Nintendo consoles
how quickly you forget you lil summer/covid child.
Because, works fine for me.
no, he's trying to think of more than two ps5 games
EVERY electronic item is going to have small percent of failed QC units, it just comes with the territory of using chinese goods and manufacturers.
>We never see this with Nintendo consoles
You just missed it
Are there 2? Only one I could find was Astro's Playroom. Everything else on that console is either a multiplat or a remake of something that is available on an other console.
It was obvious to me all year that this would be the case with these consoles. They are extremely rushed on top of covid causing all kinds of production issues, hence the lower stock. It was a recipe for disaster, they should have been delayed a year.
Joycon drift isn't caused by dirty hands you fucking Nintendo apologist. The contact pads inside the joysticks are made of graphite and everytime you move the joysticks it rubs a metal prong against the graphite which can cause graphite particles to scrape off that fucks with the sensor. It's a legitimate hardware flaw.
>buying consoles at launch
>buying consoles
dont lump them in with that shit, some dude blew vape smoke into his xsex
Yes, because people who play on PC never open their mouth, or people who buy Switches, or Xboxes, or people who don't play video games at all. I swear to God, Zig Forums is a parody of itself.
Bugsnax and Demons Souls.
I assume his wifes boyfriend took the ppicture and posted that
>onions grin = all ways of opening the mouth
Could you stop being a fucking retard?
"But this was my vasectomy gift..."
This, if you buy a console at launch you're basically beta testing for the later improved models. Anyone who has been through more than one console launch knows you hold off for at least a year and let the idiots with no impulse control waste their money on faulty hardware.
>onions grin
Can you stop viewing the world based on memes? Life won't give you ebin upboats redditor.
>why are PS5s and Xbox's overheating
Because the parts were maufactured without proper QA due to covid
every device has a failure percentage.
I even once had to return my fathers new ipad because it shipped with a fucked up screen
What is there to procces? Tell me one game worth playing on the ps5
This. Why would you want to own one asap when it'll never get more unstable, be more expensive and have fewer games?
People don't look at them as a product where they have to consider pros and cons - they just have to own them, the stupid fucks.
Demon's Souls looks pretty awesome, actually.
>using a meme = viewing the world based on memes
Agains, could you stop being a fucking retard?
How underage are you? This stuff has happened with basically every console launch since the PS2, which had it where the laser would burn DVDs if I remember right, or it scratched them. Early adopters get a bunch of units that were rushed out to meet the demand and seemed OK in theory, but have some flaws that get worked out in a later revision that usually is sold cheaper as they can engineer it better. Reminds me of how basically 90% or even 100% of all OG 360s were guaranteed to RRoD due to the design of the system and Microsoft had the government mandate they had to repair them for free as a result, likely what will also happen with the Switch joycon drift issue with how that's going, since they're not mechanically designed to take the abuse that's expected of them through regular use.