Why did it fail Zig Forumsros? It's not fair.
Also would work as a movie?
Why did it fail Zig Forumsros? It's not fair.
Also would work as a movie?
Wont hit the same as a movie
its literally based on a movie you fucking subhuman 12 iq uncultured Zig Forums swine
Did it fail?
I've never heard that take before, anywhere.
In the end it was still a brown&bloom generic shooter.
Can someone explain the plot? Was Walker, Lugo, Adams, Radioman and Konrad the same guy all along? What do they mean by "The Line", was it the zip lines?
It didn’t fail lmao you fucking retard
the line that you crossed by killing civilians
>The game debuted at No. 3 in the UK retail sales chart during the game's first week of release, behind Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and The Amazing Spider-Man.[95] Spec Ops: The Line was a commercial failure, selling less than anticipated by Take-Two.[96] The sales of Spec Ops: The Line, combined with Max Payne 3, were lower than the combined sales of L.A. Noire and Duke Nukem Forever.[e] The low sales of the title contributed to Take-Two's disappointing financial results in fiscal year 2013.[97]
wow, a generic third person shooty shooty failed, what a shame
who would thought that a single plot twist didn't get the game more sales
>Generic shooter with no differences to the 6 million games with the exact same setting and gameplay releasing the same year
pretentious garbage
>lole just turn the game off
And yet it still made enough of an impact on the scene that devs look to it for influence and the fat autist fuckwipes of Zig Forums still get triggered by its very existence.
Since we’re quoting bullshit at each other as if it’s in any way indiciative of anything...
>9/10 on steam
>76% on metacritic
>97% liked this game
name a single game influenced by this shit
a single fucking one
if it's so great you wouldn't get butthurt that supposedly a few people think it's bad. it has been explained exactly why it's bad and you have no counter arguments. this is the problem and the source of your anal anguish. plus this game was so shit it was given away for free multiple times
One of my favorite games, but the lack of actual choice hinders it. You MUST progress and you MUST feel bad. The ability to leave early on or get alternative endings throughout the game would have benefited the theme more.
>Why did it fail Zig Forumsros?
They completely failed to market it correctly, as they presented it as yet another brown FPS, which made it compete against CoD & Co.
>Also would work as a movie?
The concept works well enough to be one of the greatest movies ever made, and the book from which it's taken is amazing as well, but in the specific case you need it to be a videogame to have the same impact, and also you need your audience to be accustomed to the language of the average videogame of the era. I mean, it's not that it wouldn't work, but it has to be considered in its historical context.
Your favorite game, TLOU2
You’re outnumbered in your retard take. It even got GOTY from notorious contrarians like ZP. Keep crying to yourself in your jizz stained echo chamber but it will never make you right.
But if the events prior to the helicopter crash wasn't real then wasn't the civilians imaginary too?
Meant for
Youre still wrong.
>using redditor buzzwords to hand wave their shit taste and wrong opinions
>the game is good because... appeal to authority
it may have failed commercially but a lot of art does
in terms of reception and legacy it was a massive success, to this day people are stunned by the intricated character and plot development, the layers upon layers the meaning of this game has and the philosophical questions it poses and answers
>its literally based on a movie
I'm playing through it now and the gameplay is complete fucking ass. The story so far is interesting but some of the action sequences and dialogue are also dog shit.
Will be interesting to play through. Leaving now as I haven't been spoiled but thought I'd share my thoughts so far as a unbiased person playing it for the first time.
should've used green ink
and the movie is based on the book
what is your point?
no no you don't get it you faggot it's supposed to be boring because it's a critique of the genre
this is what spec ops redditor shills actually believe
Do you feel like a hero yet user?
shitty generic brown shooter that tries to make you feel bad for forcing you to commit a war crime, might aswell be a movie
>uses buzzwords
>cries about other people using buzzwords
>buzzwords are Reddit incarnate
>game is bad because... I say it is
If anyone’s going back it’s you retard
My point is that it's not LITERALLY based on a movie, as the book is the main source of inspiration for both the game and the movie anyway, you moron.
Don’t ever post pics of yourself here again you chubby fedora faggot
>Don’t ever post pics of yourself here again you chubby fedora faggot
>half the argument, double the reddit
>>half the argument, double the reddit