How are you enjoying the game, Zig Forums? What do you want next from RGG Studios? Personally, one of these:
>Judgment 2
>Yakuza 0.5 or -1
>Akiyama or Majima spinoff
>Cabaret Club GP dedicated game
How are you enjoying the game, Zig Forums? What do you want next from RGG Studios? Personally, one of these:
>Judgment 2
>Yakuza 0.5 or -1
>Akiyama or Majima spinoff
>Cabaret Club GP dedicated game
Other urls found in this thread:
Akiyama was perfect for turn-based.
I don't know why Nagoshi hates him.
left for thicc
>Majima spinoff
0 and Kiwami 2.
Prequel with the Y0 villains in their youth
Either Ishin Kiwami or another samurai game with Ichiban as the protagonist
How? Akiyama is about speed, not pick move -> wait -> pick move -> wait and so on
>Kiwami 2
Ah yes, the 30 minute Majima game with one style and 2 heat actions.
>how are you enjoying it?
It's ok, but the job system is really really shallow and most of the jobs are useless, and the skills ending at rank 30 is fucked.
Also the progression once you hit Sotenbori is really unnatural, street encounters and substories become utterly pointless and all your XP comes from running undergrounds and the Battle Tower
>what do you want next
I want them to abandon this shit engine
Console remakes of those PSP games I guess.
Barring that, Judgment 2.
What happens when I don't satisfy Nick's goal? Top 100 I managed.
Seong-hui straddling my face, Saeko riding my dick, Eri eating my asshole
Akiyama sucked. He's boring and generic in personality and in combat. Yagami is just Akiyama made to not suck ass.
I found a secret casino and lost all my money on blackjack
wtf I was on a roll with the low stakes betting and as soon as I go high the AI starts counting cards or some shit
I love Ichiban.
his kicky moves would look cool and there would be another weapon class and taekwondo instructor class?
I can't imagine RGG will tackle the Black Panther games unless they're literally scraping the bottom of the barrel for content to release. Kenzan/Ishin translations would be way higher on the priority list.
Were they even giving any meaningful amount of XP? Substories are for unique items and Poundmates.
Idk, but it is very hard to fail at management.
Casino/Gambling hall games in Yakuza are rigged, but that's where save scumming comes into play.
His voice actor is very popular so probably hard to book to him.
Not really, no.
And most of them don't even give good items or summons, most of the side stories are basically just filler this time around.
>What do you want next from RGG Studios?
Judgement on PC, goddamnit.
but they covered most of the kicking stuff with zhao anyway
Rank 30 is the original maximum, doesn't make it better but at least explains why skills stop there.
I suspect if you survive the shareholder meetings you automatically meet the goal.
Akiyama was about very fast kickboxing based moves. He would be perfect for Judgment 2 though IMO.
Most of your rank gains are from the shareholder meetings. There is one part where you don't have a time limit for Nick. Once you reach top 50 it gets very repetitive since you have already pretty much won.
Picked this up on a whim and really fell in love with it, now I want to get more into the franchise. Normally I advocate playing things in release order so I know I should start with 1/Kiwami but I also love detective shit so I kinda want to jump to Judgement first. Will I miss out on a lot of important references by doing so or is it fairly stand alone?
What's the situation on him anyway, did they really have trouble getting the voice actor and instead had to pick Nick Ogata as a stand-in?
is that a forever problem or would he appear in the next titled Yakuza game. or judgment 2
I've only played 0 and Kiwami 1&2(yes, PC pleb here). Do I need to play all previous games to understand this one? Thinking about getting ti
Akiyama's perfect for a solo game, where you can have big minigame sections dedicated to financing and cabaret management. Judgment 2 would be great for bringing back forgotten characters. In a perfect world, having Yagami, Kaito & Tanimura playable.
Judgment is strictly standalone but you should play the first 2 games before regardless to get more context on Kamurocho and the Tojo business.
Nope. New character, new setting, new battle system, you could really jump in without having heard of the rest of the franchise.
>tfw turning Eri into an alcoholic by forcefeeding her cheap sake, because thumbtack scatter is too good for clearing trashmobs
Where the fuck do i grind golden bugs quickly for crowns
I wish I could restore my MP by drinking cheap booze...
Millenium Tower in postgame
Alright guys, I'm new to Yakuza. I'm on PC. What do I play first and in what order? Any games to skip?
I'm pretty tempted to just waste a shit load of time right now.
I paid $100 for judge eyes (+ all dlc's) , $200 for persona 5 + royale + all dlc's, etc and only pay $5 for this trash on PC (feels good man)
Fuck SEGA and SNOY for blocking this game on Asia
there's no evidence as far as having to create nick as a stand-in goes, though it seems likely. It is most likely because his VA wasn't available, because Yokoyama runs the voice direction department and as such is able to veto even using a character if the right person isn't playing them.
He'll likely appear again though, he's a main character in RGG Online and one of Ichiban's closest friends in that version of the canon
All of them
yakuza 0 and pretty much stop everything after that pales in comparison
If you're strictly PC without emulators, I'd go
>0 - Kiwami - Kiwami 2 - Like a Dragon
would you fuck stage presence female awikaya