This is Zig Forums now, it's like there's only bots left here. Your weakness has led you to this moment

Attached: too cool for school.png (459x156, 19.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna wait and see what the general reaction to this thread is and take the opposite stance and call you either based or cringe.


You will never be a woman. And also only retarded children and spics fall for that.

That bait is older than you.

>You will never be a woman.
But I don't want to be a woman they have periods



>the modern Zig Forums user

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I'm going to post an original thought and get 0 replies.

What else do you need?

reminder reddit cancer has been a problem on Zig Forums for nearly a decade at this point and redditors always hand wave their wrong opinions and shit taste as "contrarianism." popularity doesn't mean good. skyrim is not a good game. mass effect 2 is not a good game. these are examples, but since there's a never ending stream of newfag cancer coming into Zig Forums anons get tired of discussing topics that have been discussed to death already. it's easier to tell you to fuck off b2reddit, neogaf, gamefaqs, wherever you belong

it's not "contrarianism." it's having good taste and standards, something most of Zig Forums doesn't have anymore

I has always been like this.

yeah, reddit really is the best

>I-It's always reddit's fault! it's not MY fault! it was them!
Own up you fucking pussy

Based and cringe is just visitors way of up and downvoting

go back

>I'm going to post an original thought and get 0 replies


No, what led us to this moment is the mods refusing to do their jobs.

>skyrim is not a good game. mass effect 2 is not a good game
But they are


>go back

wow he’s just like me!

I'm going to say something stupid to get (You)s because my family doesn't give me any.

they objectively aren't and were proven so. i would say lurk, but joot turned Zig Forums into reddit so that's why newfag cancer like you can even navigate Zig Forums these days

Everyday, this copypasta grows more true.


Here's one. Whoops

the mind of a redditor is fascinating. for all we know you're samefagging and cringing your own post. this point will be lost on you

I'm not going to give you a (You) because I disagree with your opnion and will imply that you're posting bait, but will still choose to give you indirect attention because I'm a fucking idiot.

>they objectively aren't and were proven so
But we have fun even Tod say "stop buying the game losers"

Add constant sperging about trannies 24/7 and it'll be more accurate.

Shut up tranny

thighs too fat

user too homosexual

>nooo you MUST hold the popular opnion like meeee

Games this has happened to?

Seething cringy based red pill user holy snack cakes Batman Reddit RREDDIT ahahahahahaha contrarian anticontrarianism lmaoooooxD

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