>Makes propriatary memory cards to combat piracy

It's not about combating piracy, it's about jewing people out of money for overpriced flash memory.


The only complaint that I have about all guides online to hack the Vita and use SD2Vita is that they all neglect to allocate the file size to 64kb, instead leaving it at 128kb, which messes up the official "System Use", even though the SD card itself doesn't show that error.


It took four years for those to come out and only took Sony 2 years to abandon first party software.

That is because for the first 4 years, the only "hacks" anybody was able to do was to create more bubbles (and Sony banned them for doing that, for whatever reason).

>giving up your game card slot
For me it’s the PSVSD

Attached: 8E71ECAC-8AD3-49A1-A728-C37123E235AB.jpg (4032x3024, 3.06M)

>early 2009
>Wii drivechips
Nobody was using this shit. Free DVD loaders had been around for a while and USB loaders were popping up.

Unlike you, we saw right through the scam of the 3G model.

And my PS Vita was fully digital, partially because the cartridge slot is a pain in the ass to open without having to use a debit card to pry it open, and partially because I want to switch games wherever, and whenever when I am not home.

My point was the proprietary memory cards did prevent piracy while Vita was relevant. Problem was nobody wanted a Vita and nobody that had a Vita was buying enough software for publishers to keep bothering giving it even token support.