I just slaughtered that guy

>i just slaughtered that guy

Attached: UT99-Malcom.png (550x940, 344.56K)

this was one of the first video games I played, thanks for reminding me


when i was younger i used to steal the demo discs out of my dads pc magazines, i religiously played the UT2004, Dawn of War, BF2 and COD 2 demos for hours on end. dm-rankin will always be a special map for me

I used to play UT with my dad. phobos is my favorite map

Attached: e1411722-cec7-4911-bda1-62d60e34a8c3.png (512x512, 223.79K)

God the music in UT99 is so chill

Attached: 52593555_263974537825656_9097500643640125257_n.jpg (1080x841, 57.33K)

You like that?

Attached: nho3.png (181x181, 17.31K)

try turning the safety off

Learn how to aim!

>your day is ruined by a bot using this

Attached: file.png (538x361, 216.13K)

More like this fucker right here with the Sniper Rifle. The only bot in the game that was specially modified by the programmers to be hard as fuck.

Attached: %21UT99-MaleCommando-Necris-Grail-None.jpg (394x490, 10.27K)


>ywn get a chance to fire a real flak cannon


>those bassy rumbles of the translocator

Attached: file.png (276x153, 41.04K)

I dont know why but I only like the original Unreal and UT99. After those games the engine feels very "off". Im not the only one right?

>tfw there will never be another vidya with the UT flak cannon

Could be the scaling, in UT2k4 you felt bigger compared to UT99 where you felt smaller in maps.

>no qt Flak Cannon gf

Attached: 1404101724080.jpg (800x800, 170.72K)


Phobos is a top 10 all time fps maps, but original facing worlds is the GOAT.

Everyone in this thread is based

Attached: A1C5A103-F78C-4F79-9706-6383F4F06D3D.png (500x775, 167.19K)

Well maybe, but Unreal 1 got big ass deathmatch maps too. I think my biggest problem is the ragdoll physics. I have the same problem with Max Payne 2 against Max Payne 1 (even when I love both games I like 1 much more)

>we'll get a decade of Shitnite and 0.01 UT games
Can the 2020s end already please


I am the Alpha and the Omega!

Attached: 1717638-xan.jpg (584x640, 46.55K)

those niggers have perfect fucking accuracy with the alt-fire no matter what difficulty youre on

The alt-fire has a pretty generous snap.

I was surprised to find active UT2004 servers when I looked out of curiosity the other day. That used to be a brilliant community, so many mods and custom maps, vehicle CTF etc

I miss the old days of playing this on my dad's computer and him getting mad at me for changing his player model

have you tried turning the safety off?