Appreciate it.
NMH2 appreciation thread
Toothpaste is best song.
3 is up for pre order but it has no box art
Confirmed cancelled
Better than NMH1 by a lot, despite both being great games.
Apologists for NMH1's shitty overworld and jobs, which only served to distract from the satisfying combat, need to be re-educated.
NMH2 had lame jobs as well, but in that game they were thankfully optional. NMH1 requiring jobs for each rank ruined the pacing.
The higher production values nice, but the combats way worse. 1s combat was mediocre but serviceable, 2s is just straight bad.
It's pretty good with some notable rough patches. The Shinobu levels were AIDS despite playing as her being cool in theory.
>1s combat was mediocre but serviceable, 2s is just straight bad.
I'll never understand people who think this.
I downloaded both of these for my Wii. Which one should I play first?
great soundtrack
Why do the boss fights suddenly get good after the Henry section?
I like playing as Shinobu when it comes to combat, but the platforming was aids
Too bad both her boss fights suck
To be fair, most of NMH1's bosses sucked gameplay wise too
i do appreciate it. santa destroy and new destroyman themes are fucking bangers
They all had a flow to them though. Most of the NMH2 bosses are either extremely tedious to fight or are easy to just brute force
>NMH1 requiring jobs for each rank ruined the pacing.
you've got it backwards. NMH1 broke up the game into repeatable chunks of action and breathing space where you got a place to use your money and got to integrate yourself into the universe where the game takes place.
NMH2 turning all that optional makes it so the game is a constant gauntlet where you have no anticipation for the bosses, which in turn are less developed and forgotten as soon as they're brought up.
This isn't even taking into account that 1 took more care to vary what you were doing within the stages so the combat didn't have a chance to become repetitive.
NMH2 was great, but it overcorrected on 1's complaints
>Most of the NMH2 bosses are either extremely tedious to fight or are easy to just brute force
That sounds just like 1 to me.
>where you have no anticipation for the bosses
Making the player have to partake in shitty gameplay just so they'll hope for when they don't have to anymore isn't good design.
>bosses are forgettable as fuck
>several boss fights are straight up terrible and anti-fun (new destroyman and jasper batt jr especially) or they're not difficult at all
>shinobu levels
>you only play as henry once, why even advertise that on the back of the box
>story is worse
>music is worse and completely forgettable aside from two or three tracks
>sylvia's champagne room or whatever the fuck preludes to the boss fights were lame
>I am the No More Hero
The jobs in NMH1 were bad too but some of the jobs in 2 were just as bad
>just have to know by trial and error that you need to stun the last scorpion in bug catcher and then walk on top of it and THEN suck it in
>coconut grabber is AIDS
but you're right, they're optional at least so that is better. Also, why was the last job in 3D, that felt arbitrary as hell
I don't know what he's talking about but the combat in felt brain dead since the Peony absolutely destroyed trash mobs, I just had to mash heavy attack and everything died. Sometimes I'd switch to blood berry outside of boss fights but not often
>Speed Buster
>Dr Peace
It has its moments. I just replayed it with the Switch port and I love the segment driving up to Captain Vladimir. You round the corner and see that huge ass vortex.
It's been up on retailer websites since the TGA trailer last year.
>NMH1 broke up the game into repeatable chunks of action
I think the issue is a lot of people try to marathon through the games. If you just set aside an hour each day, they're very satisfying chunks.
>go check the video store
>go the gym
>do the side job
>do an assassination mission or two
>check dumpsters and get lovikov balls while in the relevant portions of town
>go to the ranked fight
Then do another the next day or whatever
>only get to play as Henry for ONE (1) fucking boss
>have to play as Shinobu for two whole levels
I would legitimately play through all of NMH2 again if it meant that I could play Henry for it all. His dash is so much fun.
It's almost like these games are shitty and people only pretend to like them because of the character designs, ha. Ha...
1 obviously
Why are you even in this thread if you think that, retard?
yeah I have no fucking clue why they decided to make more than one level for shinobu. Would have had a blast just dashing through mooks and cutting them down as henry
Shame both their low stance combos have a month of recovery. If you dare commit to the third hit with Shinobu or Henry you'll eat a dick laser or loli bitch slap respectively.
Because these games are more jank bad shit than actually good. I suffered through the shit parts to see some of the good, I'm gonna complain about it. Why are Suda fans so completely blind to the many many faults in these games? All the passion in the world doesnt make the execution any less shitty. Since the only people who have played these games are diehard fans who give it too much slack, there's not enough criticism given. Games are outright bad, and everything you like about it could be condensed into a film and NOTHING of value would be lost
post more Shinobu