PCfriend here. should i get a switch?

PCfriend here. should i get a switch?
never owned a console, but always wanted to. my other choice was going to be PS4, but honestly most games that came out on PS4 came to PC as well and they kind of sucked. xbox is basically a PC. switch seems to have the most fun games like zelda botw, mario (odyssey and galaxy), pokemon sword/shield, diablo 3 with offline mode, animal crossing, monster hunter(yes it's on PC but i prefer handheld version), and even interesting shit like ringfit. it even seems to get some of the best PC games ported to it as well slowly. i'm not a graphix guy so jaggies and low res textures don't scare me. now i wouldn't get caught dead with this thing outside, so i'll only play it at home on my TV.

Attached: Yellow-and-Blue-Ninja-Nintendo-Switch-Skins.jpg (2048x910, 367.87K)

Look into emulation.

Switch has been a 6th/7th gen HD remaster machine for me. If there's a bunch of console games you missed out on that never got PC ports Switch might be a good choice.

If you're new to Nintendo you should try emulating some of the older games to make sure you aren't just wasting money on stuff you won't enjoy
Sunshine / galaxy will give you a good idea what Odyssey is like, same with older animal crossing games or pokemon games, BotW can be played on pc through cemu
If you're gonna use it docked only you may want to wait for the next console revision which is likely for 2021

Attached: emulation.jpg (1280x720, 128.77K)

no thanks. i've emulated enough games on my PC in my life. i prefer a superior experience of games being player on the platform they were designed for.

Then you're an idiot who is willing to take a subpar experience.

name one valid reason why you think it's a subpar experience.

i only really want to play those games i've mentioned.

>PCfriend here. should i get a switch?
No. You can emulate all its games.

If you must have a console, get PS2.

I'd say no unless you're interested in a handheld for emulators. Ports are getting really, really good these days and the homebrew community is active. Exclusives are lackluster. Superior multiplates are on other consoles.

don't make a thread ever again you lying retard