FACT: The Altmer ARE smarter than you.
FACT: The Altmer ARE more cultured than you.
FACT: The Altmer ARE more attractive than you.
FACT: The Altmer ARE stronger than you.
FACT: The Altmer ARE more civilized than you.
FACT: The Altmer ARE better than you.
FACT: Talos was a BRETON. How could a Breton be a god? It defies all logic.
Let the Dominion assume control of your lands. Let the Dominion assume control of your faith. Let the Dominion assume control of the Kalpa. Let the rightful, natural order progress.
FACT: The Altmer ARE smarter than you
I used to hunt Thalmor parties for fun and trap their souls. I keep all the armor that they drop too as keepsakes in my basement (I would rename the armor using cheap soul gems to the time/place that I found the Thalmor). During the mission where you have to sneak into the embassy, I must have brought a hundred soul gems to capture every single one. Too bad they don't respawn.
Altmer maidens love Orc cock
Real shit time.
>make manly af orc
>come across thalmor women
>headcanon that I pump and corrupt them with my orc seed
>irl I jack off every time I do this
>by the end of the thalmor embassy quest I've fucked every pussy and anus
>irl my dick is raw as fuck
just use mods
k, super cringe though. Imagine caring about shitty lore and shitty fictional jewish races. Skyrim was made for gay porn mods
>fictional femcels
And let them destroy nirn and unmake reality?
No thanks.
>And let them destroy nirn and unmake reality?
Name 5 things that are objectively wrong with this