Comfy bloodborne lore thread.
Comfy bloodborne lore thread
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She looks like she fucks elderly men
If she did Gherman wouldn't have gotten into dolls.
That art is cute who drew it?
ah yes, bloodborne. useful for getting people into the lovecraftian shit, but overall people who treat it as god-tier are childish zoomers. Nothing really stands out. Not kinopilled.
Was the doll a great one?
Just beat the game today. Let me see if I have this straight.
>When a hunt is called, an unending night falls upon Yharnam which is only ended when the source of the outbreak is destroyed. Given this isn't the first hunt, why did other hunts end without Mergo getting killed?
>Pthumerians long ago achieved a kind of communion with the Great Ones, including taking in their blood (Which is the old blood)
>Modern Blood Ministration is the process of getting a transfusion of old blood. Sometimes (always?) this leads to insanity then mutation into a werewolf monster (this was called the scourge of beasts), people who go mad get stealthily executed by the Church, when too many go mad at once a hunt is called
>Nightmares are astral planes that are created and supported by a Great One. Mensis was transported/created in Mergo's nightmare, someone at some point made a deal with the Moon Presence to create the Hunter's Dream to give hunters pseudo-immortality so they could handle the bigger mutations of beast, and Kos (despite being dead physically) or the Orphan of Kos (in its infant cosmic power) created the Hunter's Nightmare and cursed all hunters to be trapped within it after they died as retribution for the atrocities they (incl Maria) inflicted on Kos, the Orphan, and the people that worshipped Kos in the Hamlet
>the MP always wants (or needs) a human bound to the Hunter's Dream. Gehrman chose or was forced into that role, probably chose, killing him frees him from the Dream but causes the Moon Presence to descend to bind you to the dream in his stead. Cord ending gives the Hunter the insight to know what's happening and stop it, then kills the Moon Presence while it's exposed itself, presumably absorbing its power unknowingly and transforming into a Great One, where the Hunter (once grown) will now have the power to actually influence the human world without being shackled by their mortal coil
The nihlistic godless liberal psychic vampire mad scientists use false religion to sacrifice people in order to call upon multidimensional ayylmaos which is a metaphor for material cosmic power and knowledge.God is dead, men are beasts, north atlantid are master race.