Age of Calamity

great game!
how the fuck do i get the gerudo vai set?

also, does anyone know level cap?

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if I replay the first daruk level will I have to redo the divine beast part as well?

nope,you can choose to do both, or either or

Good. I need chuchu jelly but I really can't be assed doing the lizard shit again

>Alright, just more 1 quest and I can 100% the game!
>Just need a few more Korok seeds
>Thank god you don't need ALL of them
>get them and turn in quest
>another one opens up

God dammit, I can't believe you need EVERY Korok Seed. I was so sure I was gonna be done with the game tonight.

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Fuck, his 2h and spear movesets are just so satisfying

>how the fuck do i get the gerudo vai set?
Keep progressing through the game, and eventually a side quest or challenge map will pop up letting you know that it's the quest reward; just like all the other clothing.
>also, does anyone know level cap
Somebody told me lvl 100

>You rike?

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Beauty pageant side quest.

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>Imagine Villain Campaign

>stasis weak point
>do combo to show pie again, instant weak point smash

so satisfying

I don't mind Gorons, since they are sexless. I'm more curious about Max Koshia now.

They're not sexless.

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They literally let him in because he's sexless.

The Goron themselves disagree. And the girl in Gerudo are retarded.

Give me an example of a female Goron then in any Zelda game, and I will instantly believe that their tribe is capable of sexual reproduction then.

yo, is it possible to get the amiibo costumes from botw with amiibo cards?

I tried a few, just got weapons and materials

>Give me an example of a female Goron then in any Zelda game, and I will instantly believe that their tribe is capable of sexual reproduction then.
What? Those don't have to be things. They're probably just a race of males that reproduce asexually somehow Every Goron kid we've seen has had one dad, and Yunobo inherited his Protection magic from Daruk so there's definitely some sort of gene-passing going on.
>but if they reproduce asexually how could they be males?
Because that's how it works in their universe mkay.

How does Teba shoot so fast?

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The same way he can stay suspended in the air while holding a bow

No, they're in the game.

I always just kind of assumed they lt the goron in not only because they seem to be incompatable as mates to gerudo and other races outside themselves anyway and also because due to coming from a heavy mining work force theyre the best source of gems that Gerudo use in lots of their jewelry and gear so you might as well let them in.

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>Asexual Reproduction
Literally pick one.

If there actually is a canon explanation, it's most likely that the Gerudo think there are male and female Gorons, but they can't tell the difference, so they just let all Gorons pass rather than embarrass themselves. And my head-canon is that the Gorons are all fags so the Gerudo just let them pass because they're not a threat. The game never gives an official explanation as to why they're allowed, so anything works.

No, I'm going to pick both because it's a fictional race of rock people in a fucking video game, autist.

based and probably accurate
its cool to see a town with a jewelry market have a little detail about exceptionally letting in traders that would have precious gems (ie gorons)

Is there already a Korok and hidden chests guide?

Also, tips to farm rupees would be great.

>No, I'm going to pick both because it's a fictional race of rock people in a fucking video game, autist.
By definition if it's capable of asexual reproducing, it's definitely not male. Only things that are able to actually directly produce new offspring are females or hermaphrodites, either sexually or asexually.

for hidden chests? i don't know. but for korok seems? yes.

Let it go, it's a fucking video game. Your idea basically requires that literally every single Zelda game that has referred to the Gorons as male have just all been lying to your face, which is a pretty retarded and completely unnecessary leap for no good reason except that you want to equate video games to real life.

Don't worry Link i've traveled back in time to help you fuck my sister

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no way fag

do you unlock the ability to see how many korok seeds you got per mission later?
Or does it at least not show missions where you got all of them when you register that quest to the sensor?

Gorons are all male-codedor male gendered if you prefer but they are literally sexless. Smooth as a ken doll down there. They dont need a dickandballs because baby gorons are just nice-shaped rocks that spring from the ground or tumble down a mountain that are found by a fellow Goron "brother" and tossed into crater of life soup. Goron biology is screwey as fuck.

>Zelda game that has referred to the Gorons as male have just all been lying to your face
How so? The general default to refer to Humans collectively is "Men" or "Mankind". That term is ironically gender neutral historically. Gorons as far as language is concerned are allowed to use male pronouns, despite being a sexless race that reproduce asexually.

>you want to equate video games to real life
I suppose that you think Gorons just spring out of the ground then? I prefer for my suspension of belief to follow better rules for it's setting to make sense.

>every Zelda game referring to Gorons as males, all of which take place over tens of years
>some twat in an AoC thread saying they were all actually a race of trannies all along

Hm, who do I trust

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i think i might know why the let them in.... you just know

I mean, I didn't say anything about dicks. Male birds dont have dicks either.

It took me after before half way in the game, did I notice that each story map had a set number (they are all different) of Korok seeds in a row on the UI when I select them. It highlights the one you have gotten, and has dim ones you haven't gotten one. I have know idea how long it's been up there before I notice it.

>smooth as a ken doll down there
dumbest shit ive ever heard in my life
i assume rito and zora are also sexless because nintendo didnt model dicks and pussies onto them

Why did they make link so busted?

He's the only one who can force enemy's into stun with arrows then use stasis. Feels like I'm downgraded whenever I'm someone else.

Can Link get a zora spear?

Zora are probably dickless, fish dont have dicks either. I dont know why that user thought no penis = no sex though.

am i dumb or is impa's dps retarded high

>Every Zelda game referring to Gorons as Males are biologically male... and directly reproduce offspring like a mother.
>The Gorons are sexless, that just refer to themselves as male.

I think the former option is saying they are trannies.

Are you insinuating that gorons have cloacas user?
Zoras have genitals because they reproduce by fucking user.

>The Gorons are sexless, that just refer to themselves as male.
Then what the fuck was the point of
Again, you just choose to believe the game is lying to you for some reason.

>Male birds dont have dicks either.
It serves the exact same function as one.

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>Are you insinuating that gorons have cloacas user?

I dunno, it's a completely different universe. Their fingers could be their penises for all we know.

havent you ever seen a shark?


but hidden away

I haven't found out yet. Mipha keeps getting Hylian made spears, while Sidon is getting all the Zora's spears.

Ducks are one of the few exceptions of having any kind of external genitalia among birds. Most birds just rub their holes together.

Actually, they're called claspers, and furry artists like to draw claspers on their sharks without having any ideas that those fin-looking things are actually 'dicks.'