That's why I like Japanese games, they're all about escapism...

That's why I like Japanese games, they're all about escapism, instead of the western SJW political bullcrap they force upon us.

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Reminder that Delita did nothing wrong, Ramza survived, and Pat is full of shit

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He’s right

Japan's politics are just substantially less retarded. Whether you like the system or don't you must agree that compensation instead of punishment is advantageous to certain people unless the penalty is proportional (which would have people sperg out on the top and people on the bottom with literally nothing free to act with impunity)
As I said, Japan's politics is fine it's their theology and philosophy that bites ass. The west does that better.

>Japan's politics are just substantially less retarded
What part of “the law is biased against the poor” do you think is somehow exclusive to japanese political ideology

It's not exclusive to japanese politics. It's typical of japanese media. They're far more measured and less spastic. Where the west would soapbox about eating the rich the jap game would go "this is unfair" and say little more at least authorially at worst instead focusing on the lack of justice than the agression towards the "source" of that injustice.
tl;dr japan is more content to observe an issue in their setting whereas the west is all to keen to turn it into poorly considered allegory.

So what you’re saying is japanese people see a problem and go “that’s bad” and do nothing about it, which is somehow better, lmao

Games didn't start getting political until circa 2014 when I started getting politically radicalized on Zig Forums and started carefully scrutinizing media for politics I didn't like.

>So what you’re saying is japanese people see a problem and go “that’s bad” and do nothing about it, which is somehow better, lmao
That's pretty much the only way how I can explain how every piece of Japanese media goes "bullying is bad" while bullying remains a problem in nearly every Japanese school.

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Facts can exist free of opinions. Issues can have more than once contributing factor. Things can be complex and some crusades are more likely to spread problems even as they fix one.
It's not like Japan is immune to smooth brain takes. Look at shounen but in general they're more willing to accept nuance and let the settings issues be their own issues instead of having to mirror their real world inspiration. The entire point of a fantasy setting is that it works in different contexts. An issue in a world with magic, while superficially similar to an issue we experience in the real world shouldn't often track 1:1 in both cause and response.