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SOURCE 1 was a mess according to this ex dev
Ethan Hall
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Brody White
heh, no wonder hes an ex dev
Jaxson Walker
what a surprise
Tyler Peterson
source is a fucking mess according to anyone who has ever used it.
Adam Adams
Every engine is a mess, Source is not unique in this regard.
This is especially true of any engine from before 2010.
Isaac Stewart
How is this news? It's no secret that source could be a nightmare to work with.
Liam Clark
is it hard or is he just a brainlet?
Grayson Myers
No wonder Ross refuses to make more Civil Protection.
Elijah Johnson
I mean it makes sense. Isn't the Source engine just a heavily modified version of GoldSrc, which in turn is a modified version of the Quake engine which is dated as fuck in it's own right?
Cameron Perez
yeah, its not a surprise, we have source code leaks
Jaxson Collins
negro just making something in hammer is enough to cause a small nuclear meltdown due to the sheer fuckiness of the engine, imagine trying to actually program it.
Nathaniel Sanders
he just left valve for fucking space x user
Mason Adams
works on my machine :)
Oliver Thompson
This is why so many updates came out as source was leaked, because this kinds of people worked at Valve and not people who are passionate about game engines.
Aaron Wood
Uhhh, maybe don't write engines like retards?
Ian Ross
source 2 is amazing
.t knower
Liam Mitchell
Sounds like every legacy code base ever
Jacob Nguyen
To be fair Source 1 felt like a gigantic mess if TF2's horrible optimization was anything to go by, it's a decades-old engine that was supposed to be an improvement over Goldsrc, but Valve is so lazy nowadays that they wouldn't use any of their money from their mountains of money to hire actual competent developers
Caleb Hill
correct. i believe there are still many things left over from quake in the current versions of source.
Ryder Hall
no he's working on space x now i've heard
Michael Gonzalez
he left and valve replaced him with fucking campo santo
Nathan Bell
And yet the TF2 source code leaked and the community made fixes to the game within hours that valve couldnt fix for years???
Maybe valve is just full of incompetent retards hired on who sucks dick the best and not skill or passion?
Connor Bennett
Oh hey, it's this schizo jew who's been having a grudge against valve and shilling egs for quite some time now. Also still lmaoing at his paranoid ramblings about his ass being watched by supervisors 24/7
Yeah I definitely trust him haha
Oliver Cox
If you look at that TF2 community codebase, they have to revert every other change because it ends up breaking something else in the engine.
David White
I'm really not surprised to hear that an engine made back in 2004 is a nightmare to code for.
Kayden King
Valve always claims that the code has been changed out but literally every source engine game has airstrafing even titanfall
Cooper Ross
oh hey it's the schizo pcbro who thinks every poster remotely critical of valve is an EGS shill and makes everything about EGS shills like some Zig Forumstard gamer edition
Daniel Lopez
Ok (((Geldreich)))
Aiden Morales
dude is STILL butthurt
how long has been? 10 years?
Luke Gomez
Yes. When you keep adding stuff on top of old stuff it just becomes a mess but the executives just don't get it so they won't approve of making a new engine.
Ian Adams
That just reinforces his point, well done retard.
Julian Reyes
it depends on how old the code is, how much is build on top of it, the language and the most important part is how well documented it is. Sometimes just commenting the code with a simple "this does X thing" is often not enough especially 10-15 years later after the original team has left.
Jordan Foster
why are there so many high quality mods for Source games then?
Noah Evans
he achieved more already than your valve tranny brain ever will
Samuel Brown
it's not that valve couldn't fix bugs in tf2, it's that they didn't care to. people would still buy hats. meanwhile tf2 classic runs on source sdk 2013 and it runs a billion times better because in 2013, the game wasn't completely fucking broken yet
Jacob King
Elijah Flores
no it runs better because you run a completely fresh install of it meanwhile if you launch TF2 you download a decade of mods and deprecated configs through steam cloud and nobody ever listens to me when I tell them to disable that shit to fix their fucking game
Evan Perez
You know stock TF2 also runs on the Source 2013 branch, right?
Wyatt Wood
Jack Butler
Imagine how FUCKED modern Bethesda “creation” (gamebryo) engine is
Still using cells and the same shit since morrowind basically
Jose Gonzalez
>freemans mind 2
>not return of civil protection
Fuck this balding mold master
Carson Ward
>ancient code
runs great even on shit systems
>new code
runs like dogshit on pcs older than 2yrs
Christian Stewart
bunch of useless, slacking faggots.
John Carmack understood the code just fine.
Wyatt Ward
John Carmack is an autistic savant who's more machine than man
Nathaniel Collins
>Maybe valve is just full of incompetent retards hired on who sucks dick the best and not skill or passion?
that's a bingo.
Jayden Bell
Carmack is a superhuman who can see into the Matrix. It's unfair to compare anyone to him.
Liam Johnson
>I don't care
>still clicks on and replies to the thread anyway
Zachary Barnes
Sometimes, it's just better to create a game engine from scratch. It's not like Valve couldn't afford it. That or using a licensed engine like Unity or Unreal Engine.
John Long
my point still stands. he is not the only autist in the video games industry, he just happens to be the most prominent and most memed one.
if Valve actually gave a fuck and hired competent people instead of subhuman SJW faggots like the Firewatch devs who throw a shitfit and ban people they play against in DOTA 2 (this actually happened), this would be a non-issue.
ultimately, Valve doesn't give a shit. in fact they stopped giving a shit after Half-Life 1.
Carter Flores
>what is sage I'm new
go back
Mason Fisher
>he's still in the thread
Logan Thompson
Why should they give a fuck? Their GaaS games and Steam give them money for all eternity unless something goes wrong.
Tyler Lee
Can't sage if you post with a picture.
Oliver Wright
Luis Hernandez
I hate that interesting stuff like this has to be in Twitter form. I wish there was a whole interview or keynote about this shit.
Carson Rivera
And yet back when it was released it ran really well on my pentuim 4 with a nvidia 4200ti and half a gigabyte of ram memory.
It may have been full of ancient code but it just worked.
Robert Martinez
I don't disagree with you.