We could have gotten a show with Alucard, Trevor, Sypha, and Grant traversing through Dracula's castle...

We could have gotten a show with Alucard, Trevor, Sypha, and Grant traversing through Dracula's castle. The following seasons could have focused on Simon and Richter doing their thing eventually leading into Symphony of the Night. Instead we got vampire politics, uninteresting vampire bitches running the show, Alucard getting fucked in the ass by another man, and Hector being a pussy. Not to mention where the fuck is all of the iconic music? How is it that Super Smash Bros. does Castlevania more justice than the show it's based on?

What the fuck went wrong with this Netflix series?

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Warren Ellis

Vampire politics sounds potentially interesting.


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The middle 2 seem top tier.

That's the problem.

Honestly I figured that any real society of vampires would adopt a stance of pragmatism, then being vampires that just wish to live like Dark Eldar or outright demons. They would realistically work ways to make Humans not afraid of them, and serve a mutual partnership so that both parties can benefit off from each other. Vampires provide some service based on medicine or warfare, while humans paid to donate their blood to merchants who then sell it to vampire customers.

There's not much to say about them other than they are lesbos for each other.

Ellis out right said he didn't even bother to read a wiki summary of the franchise.

Well unfortunately it only consisted of one of them seducing Hector so they could make an army. They should have only got about 10 minutes screen time over the course of the season to get it done but spent way too long on it.

>What the fuck went wrong with this Netflix series?
it was written by people who are actual cuckolds, people who make a living hating the church, feminists and those obsessed with their fetishes.

Worth ignoring.

Honestly the writing in this show is not the best, I'd rather settle for good action.


Don't forget the Pooducer.

Belmonts are key figures of the Castlevania series yet Trevor has barely done anything in the series. Dude gets one upped every time.

I just want to see Grand cross man...

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Grand cross is more of a Richter and Julius thing.

They changed the entire series because Warren Ellis got a finger up the bum by a priest as a kid, and didn't want to write anything where the church could be a force for good.

>What the fuck went wrong with this Netflix series?

Almost every Netflix series is bad. Making quality material isn't what they do, they make simple, shallow, diverse products that appeal to the largest common denominator. Netflix is to TV and anime what pop figurines are to sculpture.

>What the fuck went wrong with this Netflix series?
Absolutely nothing.
Here's what you assumed
>Oooh they're making a Castlevania series I love Castlevania
Here's what they were thinking
>We need a recognisable brand to slap on our shit

Despite being a signature attack of both Richter and Julius, Leon used in LoI and Trevor used it in Curse of Darkness.

Seems pretty historically accurate though. Christianity in the Middle Ages wasn't really known for being tolerant or understanding of just about anything. Why would they ever side with anyone that has anything to do with magic?

Sounds shit
>where the fuck is all of the iconic music
They are there you just aren't listening
>How is it that Super Smash Bros. does Castlevania more justice than the show it's based on?
Less restraints

In the Castlevania series, the church WAS the organisation fighting against evil. They employed witches.

the problem isn't the realistic or unrealistic depiction of the church in those times, it's the fact that everyone related to it was a piece of shit while in the games they were always the good guys fighting against the demons

Anyone has watched Blood of Zeus?

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since it has the same artstyle I expected another trash fire so I didn't bother

>Employing witches
Now that sounds like a simple case of heresy if I ever heard one

There's your answer. Just look at what they've done to the witcher

how bad is it?

>Ellis out right said he didn't even bother to read a wiki summary of the franchise.
wait, what? for real? I mean yeah he has a record of fucking up things but this is straight out retarded.
any source my anonymous friend?

Didn't he get metoo'd and usurped out of his job and now they're making it without him?

god I hope
but I doubt they'd fix the damage, let alone pick up the series again

Yeah but Castlevania is based on horror movies, and in a lot of those the Vatican act as demon incursion jannies

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Well, it's a fantasy show, so it's not going to be historically accurate. The forces of evil are real and powerful, and nuns have magic spells and shit. The church is generally a force for good though.

I watched it

What did they with it
He's lying to you, he did bother to read the wiki but he didn't do more then that
Yes to both

I watched the first season and there was something off about it. Like there was sound missing. Very flat all around.

All the good scene went to Isaac while everyone else got shafted

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Action scenes and creative monster designs are expensive don't you know?

Not even that. He cucked to the first stirrings of a metoo and begged everyone for forgiveness on twitter, crying about how he would "do better".

I don't think he even did anything, either. probably just made some lewd comment to some cunt.

Not gonna lie I would fuck her

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