Is Royal really the definitive version? What are the improvements over the original?
Is Royal really the definitive version? What are the improvements over the original?
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I haven't played the new content yet, currently at Shido's palace.
So far, no definitive improvements. The Last Surprise is only the theme for normal encounters where you do not ambush the enemy. Major flaw in the new one.
my bird bride
just play it, its excellent
no, it's shit
and your waifu is an ugly mental case
no definitive *improvements*, sure. But there is a considerable beefing-up of some side content, like the dates with the twins, Maruki and Kasumi's SLs. Also you can actually do stuff at night. More is better with Persona 5, that's at least my perspective.
just like me...
Worst game in the series. Royal is even worse somehow.
For example, P4 had a clear theme of truth-seeking, and even P4G held to it for the most part for all the criticism of Marie's arc. Heck, even the opening song lyrics of both P4/P4G reflected the theme of truth. Several social links revolved around people facing the truth about themselves, their lives, and how they grapple with it and make peace with themselves. The presentation is not perfect, but I can get behind that and fill in any gaps in the narrative through the anime/manga/imagination.
In contrast, P5's writing is everywhere. It seems that right at the start, the designer attempts to wow the player with oodles of style, flashiness, and coolness (backfired on me though). Writing-wise, the game force-fits the theme of phantom thievery in the game, and merges it with the theme of rebellion against injustice. Along the way, the game adds "trickery/trickster", "adults vs children", "surrender of the self in return for comfort", etc, as if the number of themes matters more than how they fit and flow together around a central theme, but the game just can't manage so many complex themes at once.
P5R could have smoothed the themes over by filling some of the gaps, but while it adds much-needed character exposition, it comes at the price of lengthening an already-bloated game, and adds the Kasumi arc that is more about truth vs lie instead of rebellion against injustice - and where is this theme anyway given the new ending? In the original, for good or ill, this chapter has come to a close and the rest is up to the player to imagine or left for future spinoffs. The new ending feels like so much sequel-bait and opens up the argument whether P5R nullifies the impact of the player's actions in base P5.
It is like one of those B-grade horror shows where the monster is supposedly destroyed but when the survivors leave in victory, the monster shows its face again and lets the viewer know it is alive.
You guys would recommend for someone's first playthrough? Is on sale right now, but if i buy the vanilla version i will have some money left to buy the All in one KH Bundle, even knowing that i only need 3 and can emulate the rest
I'm playing through it for the first time right now and honestly I might be putting it at the top of my favorite all time favorite games.
Persona 5 is great and Royal is the definitive version
Also, My Dirty Maid is the best PH channel
Yes. There is no reason to touch the base version if you can access Royal.
Thanks bros. Just picked up.
Can't wait for it and KH3
Is it true that is way easier and they fucked up the music?
You will never be a woman.
It's easier because they added so many QoL features, but didn't rebalance the entire game around the fact that ammo replenishes per fight and baton pass becoming an actual mechanic over a cooperation bonus. New tracks are great. The only issue I can see someone having is that Last Surprise is pretty much out as a the normal battle theme since you'll always be ambushing enemies and hearing Take Over.
>as if the number of themes matters more than how they fit and flow together around a central theme, but the game just can't manage so many complex themes at once.
But it *does*. I refute this directly.
It's easier to the point of complete boredom like Tales of Berseria? In that game not even cranking up the difficulty made it more challenging, but the combat was fun and the characters were great
No. How broken or easy the game is pretty much completely depends on how much time and effort the player puts in fusing. The combat mechanics are still fun even if it can be too easy.
Let's see:
Persona 3 had the FES version, which add a new campain with the prologue of the story and some backstory of how everyone of the cast face their loses.
And there is the Portable which add the Female perspective (in my opinion it ruins the mood of a dark story of facing the loss)
Persona 4 was enjoyable, i have Golden on Steam, buuuuut P4 had the problem of being the over explotation and you can see this in Golden, how? adding a lot of anime cliches like the festival, the beach day, etc. Maybe i'm too old for that shit but it pisses me off.
I have the PS4 ready for P5 but i keep reading a lot of reviews saying that is a good game with a empty story.
So i'm in the same position of you, i think the vanilla is the best because the "best" version of the Persona games add a lot of innecesary shit.
It's a worse version of the game because it's longer
Much better than vanilla and undoubtedly a great upgrade unlike the previous rereleases Atlus has done.
based avian poster.
It's a better experience than vanilla, but it felt more like a bandaid to the mess late game persona was.
good game, a tad too easy.
You know it
I went with Makoto
Cut off hentai gets me harder than seeing the full image itself, for some reason
is vanilla, loving sex better? I have only loved once
>Fixed Instakill so you'd want to actually use it
>It is now possible to max out the stats for all Personas
>Persona traits
>Makes demon negotiation easier by indicating the shadow's mood
>makes it easier to stay in Palaces longer because the will seed gives you HP and MP regen
>Improves technical damage
>Improves baton pass
Yeah sure, no definite improvements
Also let's you do social stats raising activities at home in days you're forced to stay in. In the base game you can only sleep in those days
>It is now possible to max out the stats for all Personas
>Persona traits
I really liked these changes. The traits reminded me of the affinities some demons have in SMT4A
Mona is also far less intrusive which also helps with pacing issues.
thanks for beta testing, non-royal fags