Deathloop thread

Deathloop thread
Will the game actually sell or be one of the many suffering of the Arkane curse and do shit sales?

It's worth noting that deathloop not selling could greatly impact Arkane, they already got a much smaller budget due to their previous games not selling well enough.

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The protagonist look cool.

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>timed exclusive for playstation retards
>not one but two black protagonists
>"weird" setting that normies can't get into
It's absolutely going to undersell.

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I thought all of Arkane's games have sold well in the past?

it'll review well and sell ok, won't bomb but will do worse than they're hoping.

>Arcane curse
It's called putting a negroid on the cover. Nobody wants to buy a game where you play as these "humans".

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is it like spec ops in MW or does it actually have a campaign?



I'll buy it
I enjoyed the 10 minutes I played Dishonored so this should be good

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Dishonored 1 did. Every other game not so much

I don't play black people games

this. Cool concept, but holy moly you just know this is going to bomb

I think it's a campaign with Invasions where Juliana will show up to try and kill you during certain events.

>it's okay when liberals exploit blacks like this

I don't like black people so I won't be buying it.

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>they already got a much smaller budget due to their previous games not selling well enough.
>better double down on racialization since that worked so well with DotO

Looked pretty rooty tooty from the footage
not imsim or Preylike at all

I'm pretty excited for it but Arkane has a strong legacy of great games that perform poorly. I'm not looking forward to being unable to talk about the game here on release because retards here can't stop shitting their pants over the protag

Mooncrash was awful, I was sad to hear Deathloop will be more Mooncrash.

Cool concept, plot and aesthetic wasted on another braindead FPS with lmao overwatch teleport abilities
All fps games are effectively the same thing with different paint
Wish this were an RPG with deep worldbuilding
or anything new

>one of the weapon is named "eat the rich"
I love Arkane and their gameplay but this is not very subtle
I really hope the game won't bomb. But it likely will.
Doto was a lot less radical than people says it was. Billie already was a character since dishonored 1.
I just don't understand why the boxart model actually made her more bad looking and darker. Marketing guys are weird.

Also fuck Sony for the ps exclusive items. Pc version is obviously going to be the best one.

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I'm definitely going to get it once it stops being a PS5 exclusive. The aesthetic is great and the gameplay seems interesting. I look forward to fucking with friends trying to play. That said, yes it will bomb, because originality != sales sadly.

>pay more money for version of game
>gun mocks you for it

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somehow i'm more okay with preorder exclusive items in multiplayer games, since i know they'll be completely outclassed by stuff you get 5 minutes in if they aren't just completely cosmetic. as much as it seems scummy, this shit does sell, and im more than happy to see retards shove money in arkane's face. whatever it takes to see more games, lmoa

PC Gamer just called Cyberpunk an immersive sim, fyi

Mooncrash was NOT awful, what youtuber told you that?

>It's worth noting that deathloop not selling could greatly impact Arkane
LMAO ESO makes enough bank for Bethesda to operate another 100 years with no sweat

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I fucking loved prey and the dlc but I won't be buying this because of the niggers

Arkane is a great studio because of Raphaƫl Colantonio and Harvey Smith. Colantonio left to start a new indie and is making Weird West.

I'll support Harvey Smith if he assumingly gets to make Dishonored 3 and I'm buying Weird West on day one. Fuck Deathloop, looks soulless as fuck.

It actually also release on PC the same day as ps5. But no one knows this because no one talks about the damn game.

Hell the black girl actually is a pretty cute in this one.

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not buying any new stealth games. very few games do it right.

>It actually also release on PC the same day as ps5
oh. well I'll me getting it then for sure. Hopefully it can be a bit of a cult hit, but I'm not looking forward to all the spam in every thread because it has black people in it. Also yeah, she is cute.

>Directed by Dinga Bakaba
>same "who?" director as YoungBlood
Yeah imma pass familia. You guys go ahead tho. Also Arkane as a studio is overrated as fuck, Dishonored was all over the place and had very poor focus in the design while at the same time being too restrictive and how you could actually tackled the game in conjunction with the story.

>Hell the black girl actually
You can just say "the girl", sweetie

Dishonored 3 likely will happen. But they already said it would be a game with a new set of character in a different time period in the dishonored world when it will happen.
Either post doto with all the void technologies teased in the Billie novel, or pre dishonored 1.
However if Disho 3 also don't sell well then the franchise is likely fucked.

Eso is not operated by Arkane studio.
Basically if Arkane continue to do bad sales they won't be used as a creative studio anymore and instead used as a support studio for other games.

i think its a fair perspective. it stands to reason that a subsection of the people who like isim are also the type to absolutely abhor global timers and permadeath. we all have certain game mechanics we cant stand, so deathloop having more of that sort of stuff could really turn somebody off. makes me realize just how bad this game's gonna flop, lol.

personally i love roguelites and this kind of thing, and mooncrash is definitely a flawed experience. fantastic the first time through, but replays are marred by the simplistic objectives, focus on run and gun gameplay, bad build variety since the laser rapier can be obtained with zero stats and "door-opening" neuromods take full priority, i could go on and on. mooncrash is an interesting experiment with a lot of good, but an equal amount of bad.

You guys hype this studio way too much,

Reported :^)

Youngblood was more of a mess writing wise. The gameplay was flawed but with a few fix could have been alright.
The designs for the enemies and maps also were cool.

Anybody want to explain why Arkane's games don't sell well? I played D1, D2, Prey and loved all of them.

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I wish Arkane would get the license to make a Splinter Cell game

>spam in every thread because it has black people in it
kind of a meme, Arma 2 had a negroid protagonist but it wasn't a thing

I dont know but Dishonored was not very good, regardless of what you people tell yourselves.

too complicated for normies and the actual user base is unimaginably elitist

this. i got nothing against having black protags (Lee and Clem in TWD were fantastic in Season 1) but i can't see this game going anywhere.

Nowdays i value my time more than my money, games are relatively cheap during sales. Im not gonna spend my time with an average FPS that "might be alright with some fixes"

He does. I am tired with the BLACK WEEMYN bullshit tho.

They focus on the gameplay and original ideas, even if weird.
People don't buy this anymore. And also only want open world shit.

Then again the curse is older than people think. Dark messiah had awful sales in 2006.

probably because no one plays the campaign in ARMA.

what are those polygons supposed to represent? been on this site for 10 years but don't know what i'm seeing here

>nig loop

if you have to ask its probably loss

been here for 10 years but i don't know what "lost" is

At least she's not ugly like most of them, and not playable unless you choose to invade anons.

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I don't know what you're talking about

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Kind of sucks black protagonist now have a rep for being a calling card for SJW stuff. Feel bad for black dudes who dont like that stuff.

It's a guy in a turtle neck, leather jacket, and stupid knee pads. Am I missing something that makes this cool

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The talents that made their games great left after Prey, it was their magnum opus.
I don't expect it to be good at all and can see Arkane go the "obsidian route" where all that's left is the name and not the people that made it.


It'll suffer from the Arkane curse, but not as hard as most of their titles.
At least they're not pulling a Prey/Dishonoured Death of the Outsider and making all the characters fuck-ugly for no discernible reason on top of already being soft sells.

Weird West doesn't look very good but I hope it pulls through.

thats a horrible cover art. change it to something like black dynamite and remove the women, then we talk