Was he holding Nintendo back?

Was he holding Nintendo back?

Attached: Nintendo-Direct-2013-Satoru-Iwata-006.jpg (1400x1400, 65.41K)

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Compared to how soulless nintendo is now, no.

Was basically their only hope.

Nintendo is where is it right now because of him. We'll have to see what happens after the Switch.

Iwata was the SOUL of Nintendo.

Overrated hack. Guy was a codemonkey, literally never made a good game in his life. Watching people shit on Miyamoto who literally created video games as we know them today while calling Iwata anything but a cardboard cutout makes me seethe.

>We'll have to see what happens after the Switch.

No need to wait, here's a sampler of what awaits in the Furukawa era.

Attached: 1603135001548m.jpg (1024x961, 103.98K)

don't forget the fucking Illumination Pictures Mario movie.

He was it's savior shame he had an "accident" like Gunpei Yokoi so Nintendo could do mobage.

>This Summer