>say goodbye to user teammates
>wait for them to say goodbye
>they say nothing and i just awkwardly log out
Say goodbye to user teammates
Hit me again, bartender!
Give me a drink, bartender
>never say anything to anyone
>just show up, do my job, then leave
dangerously based
>say goodbye
>log out before i get the chance to see the responses
i wish this worked in the real world, i got karen'd trying to pull that shit at a hospital full of roasties i was doing contract work at
Nurses have some major egos for sure
>Play FOTM
>Get friend invites out the ass
It's almost like if you play games for autists you only meet autists
Same, everyone I usually work with is ok with it and they're all guys but the one chick I'm with for a day calls me out for never making small talk like fuck off bitch you don't know me
She wants your dick user
user how much of a faggot do you have to be to say goodbye to some strangers?
just say gg or gj before leaving like a fucking normal person and maybe your teammates will say it back
>random player joins
>says "hi"
>say "hey"
>say ''later gators''
>instantly try to leave the game before anyone can say anything
I've never used voice chat because I'm shy.
>>wait for them to say goodbye
why? if you're going to leave, then leave. idiot
because user is an attention whore
why do you think he made this shit thread?
i'd say goodbye to you user
>don't say goodbye
>instead make autistic shriek or noise while leaving
Probably deserved it honestly
no goodbyes 4 u
Get fked
That's actually a good idea
kek based
Make sure you leave while you are still shrieking.
That way it cuts you off perfectly and leaves them with dead silence
great now I can't remove the nagging feeling that my friends actually hate me again, thanks asshole.