Barely 15k sold in Japan

>Barely 15k sold in Japan
>Absent from the top 10 during PS5 launch week in the UK

Why did it flop?

Attached: 191454.jpg (600x600, 115.69K)

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Don't care dude, I am enjoying it.

It's a remake nobody wants. No new content, no gameplay improvements... it's a $70 tech demo.

It's a decade old PS3 game

flopped on the ps3 flopped on the ps5 shocker

It already outsold the original.
Japan hates violent games and only buys wahoo (this is why they're irrelevant)

because japan is a xenophobic racist country that won’t buy products that aren’t japanese. japane needs to open up and be inclusive to others.

Not inclusive enough obviously
>t. Sony manager explaning the fuckup to the higher ups

>Japanese game made by westerners
gee I wonder why they hate it

nice headcanon