A recent thread on cyberpunk has shown me that many of you dont know about GOG.com...

a recent thread on cyberpunk has shown me that many of you dont know about GOG.com. Many even bought Cyberpunk on steam which is pretty retarded. Im gonna tell you what its
>GOG.com is a store for games like steam
>difference being that ALL GOG games are DRM free
>this means you dont need a key, account, launcher or anything to install or launch it
>you can copy it and send it to everyone you know LEGALLY since you own it
>this makes pirating gog games legal too
>their games even come in a single .exe installer file thats easy to share
>they also use a fair price policy so games cost less in euros etc.
>you can return games up to 30 days no matter how long you have played them
>old games often get fixed by the GOG team themselves while steam just keeps selling broken versions
>the platform started as selling old ass games but many many new and high budget games are now on there
before you call me a shill, im telling you to pirate GOG versions since they are easier to install. and IF you want to support a developer maybe buy it on GOG where you can actually own it instead of having to run a shitty bloated launcher in the background that doesnt let you play the game without an internet connection
gog.com nigga. its all i use except for games that arent on there. But they offer a launcher that unites all shitty launchers into one: GOG Galaxy. have a good day

Attached: Screenshot_2020-11-24 GOG com.png (1371x1005, 1.73M)

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Still using Steam

me too nigga

Fuck Poland

Attached: 1593180004873.png (521x937, 224.08K)

do not care still support steam for letting me be racist

they literally ban you for posting "N" in the forums

>Best thing is no DRM
>Worst thing is that it comes pre-cracked for piracy
Not sure if good.
>doesnt let you play the game without an internet connection
>before you call me a shill
Idk maybe you need to factcheck.

what are you talking about?

Are you legit retarded

>many of you dont know about GOG.com
Of course I do. It's that free games platform