The holy MMO trinity is taken from the 3 archangels
>Gabriel "the warrior of God" - DPS
>Michael - leads god's armies - Tank
>raphael - angel of healing - healer
refute this
Tfw no christian mythology games
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Well there is SMT. Seriously what is it with the Japs the Kabbalah and Gnosticism?
>Inb4 Schizo religion is cool
>from the 3 archangels
You forgot the Archangel Uriel, "The Light or Fire of God".
Which is obviously a spell caster.
>Light or Fire
Holy/fire damage to be exact
>Leviathan and by extension Tiamat
It isn't that they don't exist, it is that it is influential enough that practically every RPG is using the mythology as common tropes without fully realizing it.
>Christian mythology game
>God snaps his fingers and solves the problem instantly and gets back to giving children cancer
Cringe neo-atheist.
>sky daddy lets peadophiles into heaven if they say their sorry but keeps the victims in hell
>Disco Ball Man as god
>bible game
>everyone has red pasty skin
What kind of argument is this?
Halos are pagan trash carried over from the Romans
nobody cares
>enemy focused on debuffing you
One that casually defeats the religion that perpetrated the most cultural genocide in history
stupid fucking nigger never post in this thread again
wow. imagine being that edgy of an atheist. don't worry I was 13 too
Ok so explain what the hell is up with the ophanim
>it's a developer interprets Putto as angels: Episode
inb4 >ackchyually, angels we scary monsters
it's a "Lucifer was a Seraph!" Episode
Will never happen. Christfags are just as retarded as sand niggers. Too many people will complain for the game to be successful.
Also, SMT already exists. a "God is good" game will never not be cringe.
this is bait
Ha ha, reminder, the Vikings were shit and lost 90% of their battles. They were only good at killing women and children
>higher tier angels are strange looking
>this means they must be enemies of humanity
I tire of this thinking.
Play the games before spewing bullshit
When the fuck is I am Jesus coming out?
Except plenty of games,books,movies use christ allegories and christian imagery yet nobody complains.
We had games like Black and White which are god simulators based loosely on Christianity and then some others (angel devil on your shoulder etc)
fact of the matter is you are a zoomer nigger and you dont remember these games
ofcourse there were some very minor outrages about stuff like doom but that was mostly fabricated by lobbyists
do you think it's still the 70s? christfags make up most of the population along with muslims
atheists complain about representation of god in games more than the religious
An allegory is not having a mythology based game retard
Ophanim represent God's wisdom, and they are also the wheels of his throne. The many eyes show how they are aware of everything.
>replying to obvious bait
Can't wait to create my super successful game where I kill Jesus Christ
Couldn't you already do that in the You Testament?
I see you got caught up on 1 word and could not read more
go fuck your mother a bit you retarded faggot
more atheist wet dreams, but feel free to do it
but you're all talk and no action because godless knaves have no drive to live a productive life
>Christian mythology
You mean Jewish mythology?
>loosely based
Still not a mythology based game.
An hero faggot. You lost life privileges.
It's not exactly Christian but how heavily inspired Blasphemous is by Christian mythos and themes, along with the fantastic art style, is just about the only thing it has going.
No, they are fundamentally different. The Jews rejected Jesus, so St. Paul rejected Jewish customs. It has been like this from practically the start.
>godless knaves have no drive to live a productive life
>posts on Zig Forums
game I posted is literally noahs ark you faggot
Easterners think Neoplatonism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, etc. are cool for the same reason Westerners think Sufism, Buddhism, and Hinduism are cool.
Such a successful genre
what'd you post an atheist caricature for?
Specifically Spanish Catholicism and small sects like the flagellants, right? Blasphemous had a huge emphasis on self-sacrifice and painfully atoning for your sins.
The fact that you are hiding behind this Noah's Ark game is a much bigger cope my dude.
>missionary thread
I just like making fun of people by comparing their looks to king cobra.
Abrahamic God is too involved, the Pagan/Gnostic One and Hindu Brahmin are more neutral so it's easier to lift things from those religions.