>play JRPG
>get depressed because I don't have a strong group of friends like the main character
Every time
>play game
>proyag is a lonely ntrovert with mid to low tier intelligence but is good at his job
You always want what you don't have user, when you have friends it's not a big deal and you often wish they would leave you the fuck alone.
I'm lonely and many times I wish I had a wife and children.
But then I listen to almost every married guy I meet complain about no sex and wife spending all the money, or see how much of a crybaby minecraft loving autist my nephew is and I am glad to be alone.
It's conflicting.
Is this true? I have two good friends, one of which I rarely see anymore because he has a kid.
Maybe I just wish I had a friend group I could connect well with. I love JRPGs, but they bum me out
I have friends and I much prefer it to when I didn't have friends. Still miserable tho because no gf.
Op here. I'm 23. I feel like I am running out of time to make new friend groups.
Play Black Souls 2, you only get 1 party member (guest members cannot be controlled) and can become super OP. But you'll get depressed for different reasons.
You are. It's pretty much impossible to make friends without already having friends because everyone will quickly learn what a loser you are and avoid you.