>play JRPG
>get depressed because I don't have a strong group of friends like the main character
Every time

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>play game
>proyag is a lonely ntrovert with mid to low tier intelligence but is good at his job

You always want what you don't have user, when you have friends it's not a big deal and you often wish they would leave you the fuck alone.

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I'm lonely and many times I wish I had a wife and children.
But then I listen to almost every married guy I meet complain about no sex and wife spending all the money, or see how much of a crybaby minecraft loving autist my nephew is and I am glad to be alone.

It's conflicting.

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Is this true? I have two good friends, one of which I rarely see anymore because he has a kid.

Maybe I just wish I had a friend group I could connect well with. I love JRPGs, but they bum me out

I have friends and I much prefer it to when I didn't have friends. Still miserable tho because no gf.

Op here. I'm 23. I feel like I am running out of time to make new friend groups.

Play Black Souls 2, you only get 1 party member (guest members cannot be controlled) and can become super OP. But you'll get depressed for different reasons.

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You are. It's pretty much impossible to make friends without already having friends because everyone will quickly learn what a loser you are and avoid you.