He's been making some true kino as of late
people still watch this whiny fatfuck?
hey alright
and thanks
Got your appeal denied huh?
that ban appeal stream was amazing
Did you get banned shouldn't have asked so many questions bitch
>same jokes simulator 2020
I knew this big faggot IRL that would non-stop quote this dude. Everyone that watches him is a faggot, no exceptions.
He was a completely different person on stream during the Tag 2 days
it's hilarious how he's still around after the
>muh sekshul harassment
he was lucky it didn't happen 3 years later or he'd probably have been pushed into suicide by a lot of people who're his fans now
He's alright. Joined his discord a while ago and it's filled with Zig Forumsniggers that have 0 personality and try to act like him, it's cringe as fuck.
hey alright
What does he see that gives him this reaction?
literally who
Ban appeal stream was indeed kino, but it sucks that there will never be another one like it. Now every retard who tries to file for an appeal will try too hard to make it funny, instead of it being genuine.
yeah his fans are complete retards. except me
That was the most nothing "scandal" I can remember. It literally amounted to him asking dumb autistic questions.
Hey, Hagrid?
Anyone know if those cookies are actually worth buying?
They're basically just butter cookies. Pretty plain but I like them enough.
Stop making hagrid threads you dumbfuck
It's probably that faggot nopants wanting to expand the youtube channel.
I consider myself a fan of his, but the very tryhard minority that lurks that discord is filled with losers and power tripping faggots.
Can't wait for this Covid bullshit to actually be behind us so I can hear him commentate again.
pooooof. what's up amigos. happy big wednesday. hmmm i had a pizza earlier today and man it was so delicious it was crazy.
anyways i'm going to be playing some diablo toda-HEY WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT??? 777777777-hey alright. lord 7 thanks!
anyways look shhhhhh will you guys keep it down???
hey aris i w-HEHEHEH THANK YOU
bagoooosh get parried bitch! don't ever ask a question around here pendejo!
let me read what that guy said...
hmmmm hey i dont like your name so FUCK YOU.
kick rocks shithead! hey someone shoot this guy. mods take this guy out back and have sex with him will ya?
anyways what was that guy saying?
i think it was something about being gay or some shit...
anyways SHUT UP. and get shot bitch. and thanks!
hmm so what was i doing again? oh yeah i was-*FOGHORN SOUNDS* you're my favorite streamer smile
hey thanks. anyways SHHHH. i'm trying to concentra-ooOOOHH FUCK!!
psh psh psh. you guys did that not me.
*sigh* okay listen chatroom i'm taking a break. 5-7 min be cool. and buy a shirt will ya?
sourpls sourpls 77777777777777
>that fag that bootlegged his Rtsd emote
>aris headshotted him
the nuts on some of these idiots sometimes
wow it's like I've seen all of his streams now
>can grow hair literally all over except the top of his head
I thought he stopped commentating things because he enjoys talking shit with the chat more, and that the airplane incident fucked him up too bad.
and they never get old
kek how many times are they going to pass it to each other?