Is there a single retarded and ass-backwards thing Nintendo has ever done that even their most indoctrinated fanboys have never been able to defend?
Is there a single retarded and ass-backwards thing Nintendo has ever done that even their most indoctrinated fanboys...
Guess everyone is drifting away from this thread
>limited time perma-$60 release for 3 emulated roms
>the entirety of labo
>limited, physical dlc in the shape of scarce figurines
>joycon drift STILL being a problem after 3 years and several console revisions, fans just either eat it up or buy another pair
>$20 for the worst online service in a modern console
those from the top of my head
But I see people defend the shitty online and the manufactured product scarcity to this day.
I misread your question
and no, I can't recall anything they actually called out nintendo for
Virtual boy
If you've been on Zig Forums for more than ten minutes you would probably figure out that there are always retards to defend ANY opinion, no matter how stupid it is.
The Labo.
I'd say people actually called out latest pokemon being trash but then again I personally know someone who still went and bought it and defends it to this day
I genuinely forgot this shit even existed, what happened to it?
Sword and Shield sold really well so it's not like there weren't plenty of people ready to gobble up whatever Game Freak shat out.
Joydon drift and DMCAing fucking everything
Actually Nintendo fans frequently criticize them for stuff like drift, the online system and game prices. You're probably just mad that some people like the new paper mario or whatever.
>Sword and Shield sold really well so it's not like there weren't plenty of people ready to gobble up whatever Game Freak shat out.
People buying Pokemon are literal children. Don't try to tell me you didn't enjoy shitty games when you were a child.
>several console revisions
>literally only two
i agree with everything else but dont be retarded
Go on the Switch reddit, literally every other top post is bitching about drift and online.
Metroid Other M
What does it matter if they're still buying it? That's essentially defending the garbage they're complaining about with their wallet. Guarantee you all those reddit complainers are on their 3rd Switch, 10th controller and have never missed a single online renewal.
i see people defend mario 3d all stars and labo
You are asking them to criticize their surrogate father, which is equivalent to criticizing god.
Defend it? From whom? A handful of anons on Zig Forums whining about it? The defense that it sells is an ironclad one.
Was thinking of saving up money and then buying an Xbox Series X because it has a blu-ray player. Turns out both the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X|S are made in Communist China, so is the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo will be moving production of their Switch to Vietnam. I don't want to give Communist China hundreds of dollars. Will eventually by a Nintendo Switch. Only problem is that they don't have backwards compatibility with it's large collection of video games from previous consoles.
joycon drift
they moved on to Ring Fit Adventure
>joycon drift
just use warranty
literally for kids, why is it bad that kids get a product aimed to them?
nintrannies literally defend all of those 24/7.
>defending drift
This post should be obvious bait but knowing nintendo dicksuckers you never know.
Switch online
The Virtual Boy.
I wish the bar was higher, but I have seen some (fellow) Nintendo fans defend the most absurd things imaginable. I think they are finally opening their eyes in regards the limited digital releases, but even those had been defend to some capacity.
No, people will defend it in base that it is "cheap" and it "works", specially since the release of SNES games.
And don't get me wrong, I appreciate those SNES games, but service is still awful, cheap or not.
Nobody really defended the limited time release of mario 3d all stars
take a shower
I defended labo, and unfortunately a lot of people defend amibo, I admit I myself have caved at times since the figures are really good for the price
and paid online isn't good but price is my primary concern there so it's still better than the other consoles
>Somebody is insulting daddy, better insult some imaginary enemy in retaliation
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival