Animal Crossing

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The slow drip of content they already had ready to go turned me off from this game since at least June. I only boot it up when there is an update, only to play for 5 minutes and become bored once again.

I had a good run of 100 hours or so in it, so I got my money's worth.

I haven't booted it up since august, villagers having 0 dialogue killed it for me, there's no reason to log in

I haven't played since Halloween

I'm not coming back until they add club tortimer

>slow drip of content
I get what you mean, but at the same time that is the point of AC as a series - the whole design philosophy is built on the slow burn of progress and content

And that was also their downfall, releasing the game during a time when everybody was forced to stay home with nothing else to do. The previous AC games were not like New Horizons at all in how slow their content was released, and even then the base games of old had MORE content than New Horizons did at launch.

All in all, it was just too little too slow, and ultimately it just diminished the playerbase beyond repair.

>their downfall
by reaching the best-selling game in the series?


I haven’t played since like April. Boring meme game. Waste of money.