Which RPG has the most complex, in-depth, non-casual-friendly mechanics? I want a hardcore, complicated RPG for big brain individuals such as myself.
Which RPG has the most complex, in-depth, non-casual-friendly mechanics? I want a hardcore...
age of decadence
Fallout 4 was pretty difficult imo, you might like that
>complicated rpg
>only 4-5 skills are useful and the rest are trash
Nice shitpost
Robinson's Requiem
or its sequel Deus
>It's not complicated because muh minmax guides
>Implying Fallout is complicated.
Cataclysm dda is fun
shit bait not even worth a u
Not really an RPG but its fun to learn its in depth mechanics to fuck over people even better if you can cause death without admemes knowing it was you
caves of qud. Sseth was right in that the game is literally just a bunch of fucked up spreadsheets.
Fallout is braindead compared to some of the rpg's I've played, fallout by comparison you can figure out the general controls and gist of gameplay but youplay some weird shit like wasteland or wizardry and you'll be begging for the simplicity of falllout
shut up faggot tripcoder
only that weird gladiator faggot tripcodes in 2020 lel
DnD and pathfinder by extention take the cake
Baldur's Gate 2 with Sword Coast Stratagems mod.
Not Fallout, that's for sure.
Fallout 1 and 2 are by far the most casual friendly CRPGs to exist.
underrail by a long shot
pathfinder kingmaker had a lot of build choices
best answers
okay answers
Namefag opinions are thrown in the trash.
>it's complicated because muh noobtraps
RPGs are not about efficiency, but about taking on a role and having a different experience based on your character's characteristics. An unlucky character with little useful skills is just as important as an overpowered character, if the game is good and allows the player to really have to find alternative solutions based on his character.
It probably isn't even that complex, but I remember taking one look at the tutorial screen for Knights in the Nightmare and just turning my DS off, and never playing the game again. I've never noped a game so hard before or since.
ToME has a respectable amount of variety and could be what op is looking for.
Probably anything based on D&D, because of arcane magic. Most spells do something unique so it's more complicated.
what do people mean by this? even if you roll a completely different character the content is still the same unless its some knid of speech/perception build but even then it's just a few different dialogue choices most of the time
>It's complicated because information is hidden so you're just gambling
t. every RPG ever.
RPG is a small brain genre and that's okay OP.
Thanks for the chuckle mate.
Are either Icewind Dale games viable? They may not be overly complex but you have to juggle 6 party members.
I just want a simple RPG system that's fairly balanced, fun and hard to master. RPGs with complex mechanics ALWAYS have that one or two exploits that casualize all the other options, rendering all the complexity meaningless once you find the option that's vastly superior to everything else and breaks the game.