>I am forgotten
What happened Zig Forums?
Warband has just under half of Bannerlord
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>What happened Zig Forums?
Nothing happened, no major mods yet. Most people are waiting for those before jumping ship.
it's still early access iirc
will be great just wait 4 years
>there are fewer Bannerlord players now than there were in 2018
>two years before the game actually released
fucking nepotistic Turkroaches
Uhh bros?!
They kept changing the god damned fucking engine only for it to still not fucking work correctly once the game released. Yeah, it's ER, but the bannerlord we have now feels like it's in the very early beta stages. It's going to take years for it to become viable. I can only hope they release the mod tools before an official release so we can at least bide our time.
oh, I just realized I am severely retarded
Buggy release, tons of unimplemented mechanics, no modding support, among other things led to the player base dwindling. The game was unfinished and probably willl stay that way for a couple years, eventually modders will fix and improve the game to a playable point.
Still """early""" access, no mods yet. This time next year it'll be good, this time in two or three years it'll be fantastic. I hope someone makes a Warhammer mod like Warsword, but I completely don't expect it.
That's great, but have they fixed siege tower ladder usage by AI yet
thank god i didn't buy this unreleased mess
Do they ever intend to fix this fundamental flaw in siege battles that quite literally makes attacking in person non-viable?
"Intend"? Yes.
no reason to even try this thing
I'll play it in seven years, once it's finished and there are mods for it
what do you mean lol
siege towers work fine
t. taleworlds
You cannot seriously believe it's fine that siege towers have three ladders on them yet the AI only queue for one of them and only use the other two if they accidentally collide with them, often climbing back down instead of going to the top.
sure, they don't use all three ladders, but they generally use at-least two from what i've noticed, it's not really a major issue though desu
when i played it, the saves corrupted, when i entered battle i was dead on arrival, have things improved?
Have they fixed the perks yet? I was turned off by that and the fact that it randomly crashes
I was just playing Warband a couple hours ago. But I was using WSEloader to play Dickplomacy so my count wouldn't even show up on steam charts. Also considering that there are other mods that use WSEloader, that number on steam charts is inaccurate.
i'm sorry that you're anal about a minor issue in an early access game lmao, considering that the AI couldn't even use real ladders in warband i'de say it's a step up, the biggest issue is honestly when towns build catapults since in some maps your ranged units are forced into large tight groups that get absolutely destroyed
The games is unfinished. It has less content and more bugs that warband. The only upgrade is graphic.
i haven't encoutered any crashes with the current build
considering that even when the game was unstable you didn't have saves randomly corrupting and deleting themselves i'de say it's less buggy than warband
>when you read OP's pick as "mounts & blades banned" and think OP Is a britbong citing a legit government mandate.
It still hasn't released, you paid full price for early access because PC has no games and you wished you had one.
Have they fixed AI battering down the first door then fucking off elsewhere instead of bashing down the second, and when they do attack the second do they properly mob it yet or is it still a couple people hitting it while the rest hang back
That only happened to me like once in during all my playthroughs and the save was still playable all I lost in that incident were my items.
yeah, i haven't seen anything like that happen in the current build
no u
every time i tried to play warband for more than 50 hours it'd crash and the save would delete itself, although i always played on the realism mode thing so it was probably partially my fault, bannerlord has a nice system where you don't have to save all the time but you aren't constantly saving and it isn't constantly saving over the same file which i think was probably the issue