Genshin Impact

It's time, post your characters.

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f2p btw

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Aaaaa i need more weapons

>Dad called so I need to go lol

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Wow... he is literally me :)

also have him at c6 btw; definitely one of the strongest additions to any team as support / sub dps

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here is what f2p actually looks like

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I'm going to get fucking Jean before I get Mona, I can feel it. Not that there's anything wrong with Jean, I'm sure chucking enemies at the ceiling is fun and all, but I just want Mona.

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who here is planning on rolling for the CEO of GEO, Zhongli in a week?

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I stopped paying this month ago, did they release any new area content, like the mountain?

no, Mountain is in december. They added the end of the China storyline, along with Childe, Diona, Zhongli and Xinyan as new characters to roll for. Also recent events give a free Fischl, and another copy of Barbara for the people who missed the one at launch.