ITT: It's 2006
ITT: It's 2006
>Underpowered console with stupid gimmick
Nintendo third party by 2010 guaranteed
xbox has no gaems haha
2006 was a pretty good year. It was the last full year of the sixth generation.
I miss Tripp pants
brawl is never coming lolololol
desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu
>buying gf
nigga stole my llama
Yo anyone wanna join my Gears of War clan?
How the fuck do even unlock mewtwo in melee?
I've been playing alone for 12 hours and nothing happens :c
Man Bungie better step it up
Resistance Fall of Man might be the official HALO killer!
Hey Zig Forums, look what I found on the internet.
What's the name of the 2006 aesthetic?
>Wow its been a pretty solid last couple of years for video games! I can't wait to see what the next decade has in store for us! I'm sure it'll be amazing.
>Did you guys hear about that horse armor pack for oblivion released in april! Haha what a joke, good thing they won't try that again!
you'll never wake up...
we played games
I remember this was one of those songs you'd hear on ytmnd for one of the hitler memes they had
But this was the main one.
>i'm going into grade 8 this year. I'm finally gonna work up the courage to ask out that girl I like
I got the Wii on launch day as a teenager AND I TURNED DOWN SOME CUTE GIRLS ASKING TO COME OVER TO MY HOUSE TO PLAY WII SPORTS. I'm still fucking pissed at myself for being focused on one fucking girl who didn't even like games.
post pic of gf
Have you seen the new gameplay trailer from Valve? Do you think it'll be like Half-Life?
yeah whyville was cool
fuck niggers i can't wait until we murder every single person with black skin.
I started playing the Destroy All Humans remake today and it had this message at the beginning.
How does it feel that 2006 is now considered just as bad as, like, 1940?
>starting first job at vidya store
Wish me luck dudes
>ITT: It's 2006