fuckin drug addicts, i swear
Okay, so why doesn't the Norse God of Light shoot lasers or create massive flashes of blinding light?
Is it Light as in metaphorically (purity, nobility, etc)?
He has super speed, freezing, and lava powers but no lasers
Maybe the super speed is supposed to be him going at the speed of light?
I dunno
Disappointing endboss i was expecting thor
You can't feel light
It's not Dragonball Z.
You didn't notice how the sun disappeared when he died?
The game was just a set up for a trilogy.
Kind of a shit game in retrospect.
So? Atleast give someone worth something not random nobody.
No but I'd expect a God of Light to you know, have light powers?
You do know what lasers are right?
>Played by that kino dude from LOST
Holy shit how is the writing for this so bad I couldn't tell it was him? He's normally great but he just sounded like he was auditioning for Heath Ledger's Joker at a comic con or something.
>God of light
>has brown hair
Literally unplayable.
Do you expect Bacchus to shit out wine too?
laser beams are beams of light
God of War (2005)
>sets up fight with Ares
>fight Ares
God of War (2018)
>sets up fight with Thor
>don't fight Thor
Bacchus wasn't in GoW
If he was, he'd probably be a QTE/cutscene kill
That said if they reached hard enough they'd have him create drunken madness hallucinations given his origins
Freya would have been a good boss if she wasn't such a shitty shitty womyn character
>set up fight with Thor
Are you retarded? Thor isn't mentioned outside of his shit kids.
>be norse god
>be mad mother take your ability to feel away thus missing out on a shit ton of experiences
>random Greek god crosses your path and gives you back your ability to feel
>instead of telling your mother to fuck off and go experience all the shit you missed out on you go full autistic and get killed soon afterwards
Actions have consequences norse boi.
nords were the niggers of europe, it makes sense.
Seriously. What a fucking idiot
It was heavily implied for half the game that he was coming for revenge
>instead of telling your mother to fuck off and go experience all the shit you missed out on you go full autistic and get killed soon afterwards
remember that after he starts feeling again, baldur gets a pretty sad look on his face, starts SLOWLY approaching kratos, potentially just to talk - and then mom of the decade fucking dropped a giant on them
So if you can't feel anything, can you still get hard ons?
I imagine that you can still think of hot stuff to get a semi, but you wouldn't be able to yank it to go full mast and cum.
Gotta spend $140 across two games to experience that. I wouldnt be surprised if Odin and Thor don't even appear in the same game.
What was her fucking PROBLEM?
Baldur dying is the hard guarantee that Ragnarok is about to go off, but that wasn't supposed to happen yet - Kratos essentially being an external force and snapping his neck is a serious problem for the Norse pantheon and their entire world.
He isn't set up as the main antagonist though. yeah, he's coming for Kratos because he kills Magni and Modi, but by then you're 3/4 into the game. It was clearly Baldr set up as the main antagonist from the get go and you are braindead if you think otherwise.
The God of Light is not the God of Lasers.