why is the bot crisis a thing?
Why is the bot crisis a thing?
Sad fucks doing it for attention
its a video game
Kids with nothing better to do mixed with lazy developers high on their own farts.
Even more pathetic, wouldn't you say?
I just had a 2 hour 2fort match until a bunch of bots came in, vote kicked my teammates and all changed their profile to look like mine
Imagine spending all that time in a video game without even improving your own motor skills. Basically investing fuckloads of time and even spending real money just to cause strangers a minor inconvenience.
The thing is, the human players just join some other server right after. I'm not sure what the botters' endgame is here
Waste people's time and make them upset. Basically they're the TF2 version of wojack posters.
I suspect it might be an indirect way to force valve to update the game.
TF2 players have developed the patience of monks and valve knows they can get away with doing very little. So maybe they think they can get the fanbase to react enough to get some action.
I think it has gone on too long to just be pure trolling.
You realize it's not kids, but github pony trannies who just run several workstations with those bots, right?
Its a bunch of kids and a bunch of weird furries who want to kill the game for some reason
Well, their bodies might be grownup but they're just kids in mind.
What the fuck i am confused. Is heavy the father or the brother of that chick? Is soldier married with that chick?
Doubt it. That's like saying that people who break all the windows of abandoned buildings are actually trying to get the city's attention. They're just doing it because they can get away with it.
I honestly feel like it's some combination of people mad at Valve for not releasing anything in years/ other developers like Blizzard and such just shitting on the the game to make theirs seem better in comparison.
I know its a bit tinfoil but when you try asking nicely for years and get nothing I think people might try drastic measures if they love something enough, in my head it feels similar to the killdozer.
We did kind of get some updates because of it too.
That's Heavy's sister. Soldier proposed to her.
Read the comics, they're really good. Just remember that the final comic will never be released.
It's his sister and soldier is fucking her.
Soldier is banging Heavy's sister. Soldier is dumb and doesn't understand what being a grandfather means.
Because Tyler made the bots
So they waste their own time in the process. Nowadays when I join a TF2 server in primetime everyone has gotten used to kicking bots as soon as they join, on average they spend 10 seconds actually ingame.
So sometimes you see cheaters trying to get around this by rejoining with multiple different profiles and leaving before they get kicked, which works for avoiding the ban but ultimately means they have no impact on the game and most people just ignore them as a very minor annoyance. It's baffling, maybe they lack self awareness and can't tell how little a difference they're making
Try to see how it doesn't work.
>People want more updates
>Create bots to get Valve's attention
>All updates are about bots/Valve spends even more time working to fix the bots
It would take a retarded autist to go that far into a plan that's inherently flawed.
In their mind they're master trolls who ruin servers simply by joining them, the level of delusion is pathetic really.
Hat Fortress has been alive for too leading into attempts to forcibly kill it
It still hurts.
Why has Valve forsaken us?
People are not running these bots to get more updates, idiot.
cuz you retards keep using the shit matchmaking instead of playing on your local 32man community server with the boys.
the community servers ping list is fucked
every server, even the supposed good ones are abusing it aswell that its impossible to know if the server you enter is actually local.
You see a 56 ping server and when you enter and press TAB it shows 400 ping or 200 ping.
The game is literally unplayable now
Why don't we just start making CS:GO bots to force valve to actually do something? Maybe they'll actually give a shit about their second favorite game instead of TF2 and do something.
>he doesnt still play on the same local server that's been up and has (mostly) the same chill dudes in it every night since 2007
fucking laughing at you cunts lmao
Improve your reading comprehension, that's what I was saying.
>been playing l4d and tf2 with the same group of people for years now
It's a shame the original clan we started out with died though.
Is it wrong that i find her super hot