Here we fucking go, Zig Forums
Here we fucking go, Zig Forums
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Dude, this garbage is not even worth stealing.
>stealing a stadia
You fucked up son.
Are you implying I'm a democrat user?
Take a closer look friend.
Stop fucking pretending that guy was a Democrat
here's another fact for you: trump lost
Last I checked John Oliver is still a live and he is a democrat.
user, I told you I didn't vote democrat, stop pointing fingers at me, I'm not even American.
double yuck and gross pic
Wash your hands dude.
have sex chud
>trump loses
>leftists are on damage control
I don't get it.
your meme is worse than wojak memes
You wouldn't have to see either of them if signed the petition.
I have no interest in Stadia, but is the controller nice? Can I use it for other things? How about a Chromecast, is that just an Android stick?
this is you, @OP
Nice cock dude.
I have no idea what this wojak is supposed to mean.
It's making fun of some yankee TV show host.
It's supposed to represent Zig Forumsposters. Lefty/pol/ made it.
makes fun of trumpoids that lost the election
le registered democrat
It was made by Zig Forums to make fun of some shooter, then /leftypol/ tried to raid Zig Forums calling it Zig Forumsjak/chadjak failing miserably.
i opened this thread to find out how bad Stadia is but you retards cant contain yourselves
Kek whites are so sensitive
It's supposed to represent Zig Forums users. The problem is that when it gets used against lefty/pol/ trannies they start crying and seething.
Damn, trannyjak is PACKED.
that looks like the worst d-pad in history