Someone explain this to me

Switch in 2020
>Worst year ever for first party output
>Zero meaningful third party support
>Numerous games delayed
>Nintendo directs all cancelled

PS4 in 2020
>Best first party output in PlayStation history
>Highest rated third party playstation exclusive of all time (Persona 5 royal)
>Exclusive remake of most popular PlayStation RPG ever (FF7)
>Additional high-rated exclusives from the reknowned Japanese developers (13 sentinels, Nioh 2)
>Multiple big name third party games including Assassins Creed, Call of Duty and Yakuza 7

>Switch outsells PS4 3 to 1
>Switch has best selling game of the year
>Switch has more games with a 90+ metacritic than PS4
>Switch has more games with an 80+ metacritic than PS4

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Nioh 2 and FF7 Remake are timed exclusives though, and if P5R counts as a seperate game then XBC DE counts aswell.

>FF7 Remake
>Timed exclusive
No guarantees it will come to PC or whatsoever

Yeah, they just slapped timed exclusive on the box so they can not release it on pc later

They are Japs. I'd rather beleive it will come on Switch that on PC. It's too early to say something without a proper announcement.

You're talking about 90+ Metacritic games but what exact games? Outside of Nintendo ones I can't really think of any that are worth getting on it.

>Worst year ever for first party output


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Because nobody cares if a game is a Wii U port of not. Wii U sold 13 million units in its lifetime, Switch is about 70 millions right now. To 57 million players, "Wii U ports" are effectively brand new games.

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because PS5 and switch has only bean available for a few years

They don't seem to be doing regular Directs, but they at least give us some good things with the Mini Partner ones, like SMT3 & SMTV, Rune Factory 5, Disgaea 6, Monster Hunter Rise, NMH1-3, etc.
I'm surprised that Bayonetta 3 didn't show up, so much so that I'm expecting them to show it at TGA, since it was initially revealed there


>I'm surprised that Bayonetta 3 didn't show up
user, the writing's on the wall. That game is having serious trouble.

Animal Crossing is one of the biggest craze in gaming since Pokémon Go and the battle royals craze a couple years back. That is what’s happening.

>Don't worry guys, the fact they wrote it's a timed exclusive on the fucking front cover doesn't actually means it's a timed exclusive.

>Switch outsells PS4 3 to 1
1. PS4 has pretty much finished it's life cycle.
2. 2020 was a trash year but Switch has great library overall.
3. Animal Crossing has huge normie appeal.

>Switch has best selling game of the year
See above.

>Switch has more games with a 90+ metacritic than PS4
>Switch has more games with an 80+ metacritic than PS4

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Do you think when the year of exclusivity passes, it will instantly go on other platforms?

It's highly rated, but you're asking PS4 owners to buy a full priced rerelease of a game that was already on the PS4. This game is a hard sell. Also, Personafags and fucking load and retarded too.
The game has a lot of issues. To access sidequests that you may have missed, you'll have to go to chapter select and replay portions of missions until you're able to actuallu do the sidequests. Combined with the excessive slow walking segments, and this game is just really slow paced in the worst way possible. Also, the ending doesn't sit well with people. Since many people hated the story of KH, the ending of 7R comes off as Nomura fuckery.
Lastly, people who care about performance and graphics will just wait for the PC version.
>Nioh 2
Everybody held off from buying this because a PC version with better options for graphics and controls along with all the DLC would be released.
>13 Sentinels
These niche Japanese games sell better on the Switch as seen with Sakuna. PS4 players don't appreciate games like this.
>Multiple big name third party games
These games come out on PC and Xbox too.
As for your points regarding the Switch.
>Worst year ever for first party output
People are stuck in their homes and are not happy. They don't want to WAIT for the possibility of playing a good game. The Switch already has games released like Fire Emblem, Mario Kart, Smash, BOTW, etc. This also functions as a response to "games delayed." The Switch already has a strong library of games along with a Zero meaningful third party support
3rd party support for the Switch is always improving.


Normie/mobile gamer appeal

The Switch was the perfect medium for the expansive mobile gamer base who don't want to commit to a stationary console, but want to experience higher end gaming on the go

Not to mention the Switch has no competition in the field of handheld gaming, so by making the Switch capable of docking into a "console" allowed them to dip into the console gaming demographic while having full control of the handheld gaming market

tl;dr The Switch is The Chain Smokers of consoles

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The white Xbone is ridiculously aesthetic

Switch isn’t a console it’s a glorified mobile phone. It’s not in the same consumer pool as consoles.

>kids at home due to corona
>parents buy them a switch to distract them

truly a mystery

Animal Crossing is the only game I've played on my Switch this year and that was due to peer pressure. Who cares if the Switch outsold the PS4 in it's 7th year on market, the PS5 is already out.

Because people who wanted to get a PS4 already got it throughout the years. Switch is still kinda a novelty compared to PS4.
Why is it difficult to understand?

Yeah LMAO. FFXV had a pretty good PC port even supporting mods. FF7R will come to PC too. Same as XVI :)

Animal crossing
Plus ps4 games this year were all shit except p5r, which wasn't enough new game to justify the 60 dukat pricetag

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XVI is PS5 exclusive. Beg some more PCPIG


Uhhhhh what

Switch is still newer by several years; everyone already owns PS4. And to many who don't, they'd rather wait and get a PS5 when they can so the games run and load better.

Also Animal Crossing was absurdly massive. It's already sold more than 25 million copies.

>XVI is PS5 exclusive
Gameplay taken from PC :)