why do people hate Nioh loot system?
Why do people hate Nioh loot system?
Waste of time and boring. You just spend too much time managing inventory. Souls games have it right.
A few retarded filtered soulstards are not "people"
>why yes I disassemble everything I don't have equipped, how could you tell?
can someone please give me tips on how to beat the yuki onna and nobunaga duo in way of the strong. I'm level 164 and I cannot fucking kill this snow bitch. she is fine by herself and so is nobu, but the moment I get her into 2nd phase she one shots me with 7000 projectiles from outside my screen while I'm evading Nobu.
People are used to easily min maxing in souls, in nioh getting completely perfect gear is a pain in the ass, when you can get by on just whatever gives biggest numbers. Most of the issues with nioh are people playing it like dark souls
Adds nothing to the game but is a huge part of it.
Living weapon spam one of them to death
It's a pointless and remedial """feature""" that was a waste of development time and money. The effort put into that should have been spent making the levels not shit, or having some enemy variety, but no, you have to short through garbage instead.
Not like "Muh Souls".
Diablo loot is a concept that has existed forever and is the entire point of some games, but Soulsfags just want to stick to what they know.
Despite this, its way easier in Nioh to make the basic build you want to play early on than in any Souls game. The gear really doesn't matter that much until you're a few new game+ cycles in. People just can't handle "different".