The Most Zoomer Board

Never really been on Zig Forums till now and I believe it’s the most zoomer board on 4channel. People are so spoiled and ungrateful on average here.
>Oh this new game coming out looks 2018 af
It’s two years, what do you expect to happen in two years you zoomer fuck?
>HL2 looks like total shit lmao
Find me another game that has aged as well, it’s been over 16 years and to this day it’s still great and the source engine has paved a generation for amazing games.
So, why are most people on here so ungrateful and picky? It’s shameful

Attached: 2D9F4E92-DD1B-4A2B-ABEA-8962587B7C8E.jpg (225x225, 7.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the most zoomer board
Have you seen /jp/?

And yet you're still a phoneposter and still got psy-op'd into using new-age forced memes.

Attached: boomer.png (1408x3352, 1.22M)

Zoomers love Half-Life 2 though.

Attached: 1596055941408.png (1102x988, 1.38M)

Yep, I’m posting from the comfort of my toilet. Whatchu gonna do about it?

Appreciate the irony with a smug sense of superiority.

/jp/ used to have the oldest people of all boards when surveyed. yes, you can spite reply to survey but it was at one time. I'm not surprised its changed because of holoshit. I don't go there much anymore other than maybe the untranslated VN thread occasionally.
>t. 30y/o boomer that was around during the Zig Forums /jp/ split

Ironically from my experience its usually people older than me telling me newer games are always better than old ones cuz they are in 1080p or some shit
t. friendly zoom zoom

>t. 30y/o boomer
You're not a boomer at all.

stop with this you fucking cuck, the games i don't play aren't given to me out of some altruism i pay for them. if you want my money make a good game retard.

Being a corporate cock sucker is peak zoomer culture, so begone zoom zoom.

>le oomer zoomer coomer doomer oomie loomie noomie zoomie
Fucking sick of these redditisms. But on the bright side, at least they self-filter through their retarded lingo so I know I don't need to pay attention to anything they say.

>This is Reddit that is Reddit
You aren’t fighting a gang war, they are just websites.

boils my blood when zoomers say this

This image is retarded.This is more or less millennial. Zoomers have never had a ps2 and grew up with iPhones in their hands.

that image should say "25 year old boomer"

The PS2 was many zoomers' first console, and zoomers were the last generation to get a taste of the world before iPhones. Gen Alpha are the iPhone kiddies.


Zig Forums and Zig Forums are probably the younger boards on the site

A lot of shit zoomers had would have been enjoyed by younger millennials, kind of like how both Gen X and old millennials had a NES.

>calling people who don't like games ungrateful
>accusing others of being a zoomer
You have to be over 18 to post here

No what it is is the ai and bots that constantly SHILL new games.

With sexy pictures of girls nothing wrong with sexy girls.

Chode and gud posts
Apologize threads.

Litterally 85% of threads here are brainwash.

It's not even Reddit it's just stupidity.

Go back to redit larper

>Zoomers have never had a ps2
6th generation is known for being babby's first console
>grew up with iPhones in their hands
smartphones wouldn't overtake normal mobile phones until 2011 or 2012

Nice blog grandpa. Dont forget about your prostate exam you old faggot

>most zoomer board

I can tell you’ve never been on Zig Forums

>board for video games
no shit. this board is a perpetual revolving door of 14 year olds and a minority of oldfags who are stuck here forever

I can't believe [insert agency here] actually succeded at making these nomenclatures take off so hard the terms are legit used by normalfag all around the world
I kneel, CIA/NSA/whoever

I'm 18 and that picture mostly describes me except for the wojak caricature and vape you massive faggot.

gamers are entitled