Is woke culture in gaming going too far? Or is the outrage justified.
Animal Crossing player DOXXED over 'blackface'
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Nintendo fans are autists
Breaking news
Maybe she's transethnic
That's just a tan
Based. The anti raiding anti doxxing culture is finally ending
The only solution is to do the same to them.
>twitter user
>going outside enough or interacting with active people enough to know what a tan looks like
It’s not like the mob mentality you see on social media is new
Is it though?
Secondaries aren't fans.
from "her" avatar, I can tell "her" "vagina" smells like a rotting corpse
White girls love getting tan for some reason. This is just a pasty girl overestimating how tan she is.
Maybe it's one of them beauty mud mask facial treatments? You don't know. Bigot.
Wouldn't the twitter user be in 'womanface' then by using that avatar?
white must be the only people who get offended on behalf of other people.
What happened to america that people are just completely at each other's throats now and wishing death on everyone else?
>implying this fucking shithole doesn't to the same thing
You know, now that I think about it I've never actually seen a morbidly obese tranny. A small handful of chubby ones, sure, but they're almost always rail-thin sickly looking skellingtons
Trump won.
My fear is not that the general public would agree with them, but that some day, they will. Like imagine being that girl and trying to get a job 20 years from now and your employers find this stuff and treat it as the equivalent of yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
Doesn't take much digging to realize that these people don't use logic at all.
I eagerly await the pendulum swing away from this SJW crap. Having your fee fees hurt from time to time just makes you a stronger person. The current generation is by far the biggest group of pussies and if things ever got worse they couldn't possibly handle it.
If I had billions of dollars the first thing I would do is buy twitter, then scrub any trace of it from the internet and copyright claim anyone that tried to bring it back.
I d e n t i t y p o l i t i c s
Introduce crisis.
people are insane
If they wanna be mad about something. the funniest thing I've noticed recently is how stereotypical of a racial caricature the Gorons in HWAoC & BotW to share comparions with.
Serves her right for posting shit on social media.
Ok, that’s it. Time to kill every SJW.
White liberals are quite literally the only group of people who show favour towards outside groups.
Probably serious fatness is a nono when you are talking about a nasty and infection prone surgery.
I mean, they need to slim down first to get the stomach reductions and so.
Decades of neoliberal/con policies that people hated. People have always wanted to be able to ruin others and threaten them easily.
Trump won 4 fucking years ago and crybabies are still mad. I’m still mad the country is so fucking divided. Can’t even go to thanksgiving parties because people won’t shut the fuck up about their political views for 5 minutes to talk about the food. :(
Shouldn't have been on social media then. Nothing good has come from it and it never will.
what am I seeing here? link so i can figure out wtf its all about
>What happened to america
libshits happened.
Jews. They foster racial hatred among both the left and right so everybody is too busy fighting each other over dumb shit to care about the widening disparity in wealth and power.
Trump was supposed to be the swing back, but it just ramped up 10x, Europe is unironically the only hope for a swing back to the right.
>nintentrannies are pedos and schizos
what a surprise
A couple days back they did the same thing because a girl put space buns on her character’s hairstyle and all the wokescolds were saying it’s racist because the hairstyle is actually afro puffs and she was taking away from something that was made for blacks only, their words
>posting their twitter handle is "doxxing" now
shut the fuck up
Eight years of Obama.
Why is the tranny's name covered up? Dox them.
>it's le libruls who divided the country!
The self-awareness
>Professors and representatives in government were arrested on account of being foreign agents
>These foreign agents have been spreading lies and propaganda about America being a terrible place and how we need a revolution to combat the internal evil that is heavily instilled into the very foundations of our country
>Somehow a conspiracy theory
i love that these retards are just fully unaware that that hair style is SUPER common among all races. fuck, even the chinese have it as a mainstay. but hey, asians are only a minority when it fits the narrative.
>orange president divides and conquer for 4 years
>"wow why americans hate each other!?"
tip: don't self-dox on the internet. the funniest thing is that the "blackface" girl is probably a lefty too.
The girl in the pic is the one who did "blackface?"
Honestly I was more tolerant of black people until this year. I'm sick of everything constantly being made into being about them. Left doesn't even look like a black person's skin tone. Could easily be some kind of Latin American or SEA monkey or just a tan white person. Which judging by her actual picture is clearly what she was trying to go for.
its not doxxing, but it is inciting harassment, which is still fucked up.
watch agdq
>Get a tan
>Get put in jail for breaking hate speech laws
Do burgers really
pretty sure its about the fact the mii has a tan while the girl is white irl
No enemies.
People naturally seek out enemies to blame for all of life's small issues in an us vs them pattern, and if they don't find any they'll make up some and start infighting.
Shut the fuck up asshole and die, USA! USA! USA!
unwarranted self-importance
Not even poltical and yes they did. They became entitled and arrogant as if it was there inherent right to always control the government and couldn't handle it when they lost. They proceeded to go on a 4 year long temper tantrum that they are still throwing despite winning in 2020.
I think the democrat pres after him, be it biden or someone else four years from now, will cause it. Trump will definitely have a connection to it all, but there won't be a vocal pushback by the people until they're not in power.
>you can't be black in a videogame, but I can be a woman in real life, despite being born male
You say black people but look who's making the accusation here.
Asians are white now
It's just the endless cyclical nature of life. The US is due for a civil war soon. Look at the date that article was posted.
FUCK. and the left calls US racist?
This is true for every single societal colapse from the inside out
>playing a video game as a character with darker skin than yours is black face
Oh shit, someone tell Brain F he's cancelled
Where was that implied?
>orange man did it
*rolls eyes*
How is that a blackface? Are the niggers colour blind? Why don't the apes burn down ching chongs for the whole ganguro thing?
>Not even poltical and yes they did.
Easy to blame the other side when you're the problem.
animal crossing fans have always been insane you're just seeing them all come out now that they've all moved from tumblr
this shit will only get worse and worse.
You only stop a rabid mob through a powerful response, either through violence, fear or financial consequence.
Nobody is stopping them and all tech companies facillitate their witch hunts.
It says more about the sore losers who made the last 4 years a nightmare for themselves than it does trump or conservatives.
>people are calling me mean names on twitter!
*closes window*
>heh... nothin personel, kiddos
what makes you think it wasn't always like this? zoomers are fucking retards. read a book
They also count latinos as white when they like.
>man who wears a dress and thinks it makes him a woman cries about woman who makes her video game character slightly tanned and thinks it's blackface
I guess these people just take everything too seriously and way too out of proportion.
Social media turbocharged the political divide here.
>twitter screencap threads still aren't an insta ban
>If you play as anything other than a 100% accurate self insert character, youre racist
Oh shit, fellow spiderman miles morales fans, looks like youve conducted racist behavior
>this person that disagrees with me is BAD mkay? they all are ugly virgins who wear glasses and have no chin/have ugly beards and are balding
american politics for the last 5 years in a nutshell
Twitter is decentralised Leninism
Being tanned is blackface? Staying out under the sun is racist now?
We had literal communists running for the 2016 election. I think it boils down to people who were dealt incredibly shitty hands wanting to destroy everything around them. Maybe they actually think things like wealth redistribution will help people and not just consolidate power in the hands of the few people in government. With modern technology the quality of life is really high so if we just stick around until these people die off I think things will go back to being nice. Certainly there isn't a group of people with a lot of power that wish ill on the rest of the world who are doing harm.
>woke corporation has woke fanbase
i hate to say it, but we truly do live in a society.
europeans commu er liberals flooded the country and leeched their ways into influential (small and big) places and also because mutts fell for the "european accent means they're smart".
>You only stop a rabid mob through a powerful response, either through violence, fear or financial consequence.
Whoah, we've got a badass over here!
What are your orders, O Lord Shortheight Baldhead Recedechin?
Jesus Christ, I only now see the avatar.
I have a question for Animal Crossing fans, if I was to buy the game today would I be able to participate in the thanksgiving or Christmas event or am I locked out until I reach a certain part of the game?
Maybe take a better look at their noses
this is what happens to you drumpftards when you dont wear the mask!
>blocking their username
that's not black
it's not white either
it's pretty standard 56% face
i'd smash tho
thing is, its not just mean names. some whackos might go so far as to dox the chick. plus, people like you and me can handle mean names. i mean. we waste our time on a mongolian basket weaving forum. but others are more sensitive and shit like this can really fuck them up.
You're going to burn in hell for all eternity.
That's Nintendo of America. The actual company in Japan couldn't give less of a fuck about some dead methhead.
>"Cities can rebuild, Zach"
No company is exempt from "the woke", my friend.
>if I was to buy the game today would I be able to participate in the thanksgiving or Christmas event
no you would not be able to do that
Why do people give out personal information on the internet again? I'm only 26, but I remember when I was 7-12, I would see commercials on TV saying "don't give out your name or where you live" on the internet because then someone might kidnap you or some shit" on Cartoon Network. I make sure to have dead accounts because employers are now suspicious if people DON'T have a social media account, but I never post on those beyond a few pictures to prove I own the account. How the fuck did Face Book or My Space somehow get people to share their names, general living areas, schools, affiliations, etc.?
>Easy to blame the other side when you're the problem.
The self-awareness...
it's from struggle tweets. he blocks all unverified usernames on twitter. he even blocked his own fucking username when he was in one of his own tweets because he isn't verified
>that swine in the profile pic
also pic related
>video games
fuck off back to your containment board please
There's like a week long tutorial that you have to do. Never tried with the holidays but Christmas is doable. Thanksgiving probably not.
>twitter response to faggy calls for a "raid": "OMG YASS QWEEN LETS DOXX THAT RAYCIST"
>Zig Forums response to faggy calls for a raid: "nypa faggot now check this 5"
Zig Forums is now officially more mature than mainstream social media, let that sink in