Chris has been on PTSD for three games straight and he doesn’t die, holy shit, he is the actual strongest virus in the series. Ethan cannot compete.
Eli Richardson
He lost
Jack Fisher
The leaker already said Chris is the one that dies because "His story comes to an end" doesn't make sense for the character who's story is just beginning.
Also OP is literally missing the very cutscene we already saw of Chris killing Mia.
Capcom already killed off Wesker and people are still giving them shit over it. There's no fucking way they'd kill Chris.
Evan Fisher
> RE7 uuuuuuh
Asher Moore
>muh leakers >vs hard data file dumps Don’t be stupid
Luke Cruz
Charles Wood
>"leaker" vs. hard data mining Holy cope dude.
Caleb Sullivan
>Ethan dies >game ends with Chris and Mia in a chopper >Chris pushes her out >RE7 and 8 never happened >Chris was just dreaming
Juan Sanchez
>Anti Ethan chads soo desperate that they have to made up list to try to bring /ourguy/ down >Yeah lets forget that there isnt cutscenes since is all ingame >Lets forget that suposed ´´list`` actually existed it wont spoil shit...cmon that is a trick that would maybe work in the 90s >Lets forget the scnes we saw in th trailer...where is the cutscene with the old man with the gun dying?or the beastmen with the staff first appearance?or the old witch? Fuckign pathetic Also: >Chris entrusting a bomb to a baby kek
>"His story comes to an end" Meanwhile I'm waiting for this second game Ethan is in to actually begin his story.
Carson Stewart
So Chris doesn't kill Mia? Is this just going to be a game full of Kojima-tier ruses
Colton Rodriguez
> There's no fucking way they'd kill Chris.
He's been in almost every single game since the creation of the series. He needs to fuck off already, he's like 50 years old and he only exists so people can make gay porn of him, he's not even a character to most fans but some quick fap.
He needs to go.
I'm so fucking tired of fans threatening writers and forcing them to do as they please. And as soon as one writer tells you to fuck off like when that jew killed Joel in TLOU2 you all throw a tantrum.
Fans don't deserve to be pleased because you're all mentally ill assholes. They need to kill Chris already, nobody cares about him anymore. Fans were so outraged he wasn't a hot fappeable hunk in RE7 that they wouldn't stop sending death threats to the new face actor and still cope with "that's not real Chris".
As long as he doesn't go out like a bitch I'm okay with this
Gabriel Carter
What exactly do you get from ironically defending a character with no personality? Do you think it's funny?
Nathaniel Barnes
Proof is "hard data mined" because all I see is some retard in Zig Forums who doesn't even know Village is RE8 and not RE7.
The leaker was the one that confirmed EVERYTHING about the game in january. TOld us of the werewolves, ethan, chris, the mansion, who's playable, the new bitch called Emily or something, Ethan's baby, witches, the new Mr X that chases you in RE8, etc.
>He needs to fuck off already YOU need to fuck off already This is MY franchise zoomer, that I've been invested in as a kid. You're not taking it away from me.
And even if was it true(wich it isnt)that just shows that we all gonna lose
>The straight white man that did everythig necessary to do the right thing dies in the sequel >The unlikeable hoastie lives
They would be following the TLoU2 Cuckman guidelines to perfection without wasting a important character(chris would be just there,losing another team,failing in saving another side protag,adding another failure in his life)
Ethan would still win since he wont be in the RE woke era
> This is MY franchise zoomer, that I've been invested in as a kid. You're not taking it away from me.
You being a no life loser obsessed with RE doesn't mean you get to decide where the story goes, you're nobody. Hell, trannies like you didn't even play as Chris in RE1 you all went for Jill because you love using games to pretend you're a woman.
So fuck off. They will kill Chris and hopefully you kill yourself because you "fans" need to learn you don't have ANY POWER at all and your tears are meaningless. Freaks.
But it does, because I've been loyal to this series, and I've been giving them money.
Thomas Richardson
>They would be following the TLoU2 Cuckman guidelines By preserving Chris, who has been around forever, and killing off the new guy that nobody cares for? That’s the complete opposite of TLoU2.
Jeremiah Stewart
if he has no personality why are you so butthurt about him?
Sebastian James
But I thought I already played RE7 bros???
Easton Ramirez
Anthony Murphy
Fake news. You guys don't even know what to do anymore for attention. It reminds me of how you freaks cried for an entire months over rumors of TLOU2 villains being homophobic christians, and then, boom, the villain was tranny Abby.
Get fucked. Ethan won't die and RE4 remake is not happening.
>Ethan won't die and RE4 remake is not happening THE COPE AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Elijah Ortiz
This is some extreme cope if I've ever seen it
Benjamin Gray
>mfw he wakes up in the same chopper after vendetta.
Cameron Watson
>No personality The little capcom did to not make Ethan a full silent protag in Re7 gives hin way more personality than Chris in OG RE1 and Leon in OG RE2
Better question is how you people can still want the franchise to be the same hit over and over...Chris/Leon stoping another outbreak but at cost of the same expendables over and over and over...heck some of the people her e wants zombies AGAIN when zombie oversaturation is a oversaturation itself.
Give me a Ethan trilogy over another RE6 garbage any day