Doom Eternal

Just beat this guy and I gotta say he is the epitome of how this game is not Doom. I just walked in a circle, murdering an endless supply of loot pinatas, while he vaguely whiffed the air near me, before occasionally turning around to shoot him with SSG or laser.
At no point did I actually care about my long-term resource management. If I lose all my ammo, armor AND 99% hp here, its just one sequence of R>C to get at least 20% armor, hp and half my ammo back.
At no point did I feel threatened. I have effectively infinite hp provided I just keep killing trash mobs.
I didn't feel like I was being meaningfully limited by my ammo. I didn't feel like saving it now would make later maps and fights easier. I just felt like I had to press C every so often, like a chore.
This game is a chore.

Attached: Dwew.jpg (1600x1200, 297.12K)

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play it on a harder difficulty then

no game is any game these days

OP is a fag, more news at 11.
The game is going for something different than what the original DOOMs did, because those games can never be truly replicated in today's environment, especially at with a AAA budget. The game succeeds at what it sets out to do, and disliking because it doesn't fit your preconceived notion of what DOOM has to be is stupid.
Bosses in this game are still shit though

To be fair, it's basically impassible to make a good boss in a FPS game, the genre is just not fit for it.

I am on the hardest mode. This is why I looped to heal as much as I did. As the higher difficulty just means more shots per enemy and more hp taken per hit. So you chainsaw/punch/burn more. Outside of one fight where I ran out of ammo and no trash spawned, trash appear to be infinite, so literally nothing stops you from just farming them at your leisure. Even in a fight against a supposed elite enemy.

>no game is any game

Literally every Metroid Prime game. Hell both the nu Dooms have decent bosses for the genre

he's the only enemy that feels different in a game full of enemies afraid of being unique

I'm pretty sure enemy HP doesn't change between difficulties only the damage they deal

In a bad way
He's just 'use the few single hit burst weps when he tries to melee you' and literally nothing else

Yeah but even compared to 2016's two bosses, Eternal falls flat on it's face. The gladiator fight was the only decent one.
>As the higher difficulty just means more shots per enemy and more hp taken per hit
Difficulty also greatly increases the rate at which enemies attack, and I think their speed. Have you fought a Tyrant or Archvile yet? I found them tougher than Marauders. Marauders are easy once you understand their AI

lol here's some tips
It's easy, git gud

Attached: 1603244061865.jpg (1616x1639, 735.16K)

>Have you fought a Tyrant or Archvile yet?
Are those after marauder? If not no. Unless they appeared in secret missions early like the Pain Elemental did

There's other, more effective ways of dealing with him. He's mainly an issue when paired up with other enemies, the first fight is just there to give you an introduction.
Archvile is definitely after the first Marauder, I think Tyrant is too. Both of them are more enjoyable super enemies than the Marauder

what do you think of hexen's bosses?

okay faggot

>play on easy

Yes you do
Shameful easy modo player

its a challenge. the whole game up to that point is shooting demons and platforming

Ok anons how far are you on ultra-nightmare? I got to cultist base before getting ripped up by gargs during tue rocket launcher arens

By himself but you always fight him with a crowd where his antics make you conscious of your spacing to him and if you leave him alone he'll keep summoning very annoying spirit wolves to hunt you. I think his design is correct

if it wasn't for the hype and everyone bitching about him, would anyone think of the marauder as memorable or interesting, conceptually?

>because those games can never be truly replicated in today's environment, especially at with a AAA budget
It's the budget coupled with current shooter audiences. Intricate level design, high priority enemies suddenly appearing (every major encounter is marked on Eternal's automap), resource management - these are big risks for the audience the game is aimed at.

Attached: basicbitchmarauderkill.webm (768x432, 2.94M)

i always thought the detailed art style is why enemies have to spawn in and out in closed arenas
something about a simpler graphical style seems to be how you could make a proper old school shooter while still adding new features
at least as seen in those indie games and advanced mods
maybe a simpler art style could also help the art direction, so the pick ups can look simple and not "arcade" while still being recognizable

is it me or dodging projectiles is much harder in this game than in 2016
it feels like I'm just bound to lose health no matter what and run around the map looking for some schmuck to glory kill

Only ever made it to the second level and don't feel like trying again. No dashes or blood punch in the first level feels like a severe handicap when starting a new playthrough
Dashes make dodging projectiles fairly reliable.

porn has addled your brain. You need to stop.


He's a piece of shit enemy because he grinds the game to a halt the moment he shows up. And in the encounters where he is in an arena with multiple enemies he still grinds it to a halt because if you don't focus him first, he just pesters and annoys the shit out of you the entire time.

He isn't fun to fight, he isn't that challenging really (except perhaps the very first time you fight because it's a new thing). He's boring as sin to actually take care of because you just need to stand there and wait for him to do the axe swing. His moves are either badly telegraphed or show no signs at all of where they're attacking (least that's how it was when I played on release). And so on. You could make the argument, and some people here have, that it's SUPPOSED to be that way. To break up the combat and to make you think on your toes. But there isn't anything thinking. It's just a waiting period of nothingness while you stand there and hope he does the axe swing so you can kill him. Otherwise you just run around dodging constantly his shitty annoying attacks and his shitty annoying dog thing while it bugs you fighting everything else.

Horrible enemy. should either have been taken out, or redone entirely to be much better to fight. Should have been more like a DOOMGuy enemy, who moves super fast, jumps around a lot, shoots a bunch, has multiple weapons, etc.

a proper "rival" wouldn't work as a recurring enemy type, specially with how much they give to doomguy and how the game centers around him

Black Mesa's Nihilanth Remake was pretty damn good. Just because Triple-A devs don't try hard enough, doesn't mean it's not possible.

This. Cyberdemon fight in 2016 was pretty good!

Bro if you want the exact gameplay of Doom 1/2 just play one the ten gazillion wads out there

gzdoom still can't into proper hitboxes

If not a rival enemy just something different. The entire point of these DOOM games is to be moving around, switching weapons, killing enemies quickly in whatever fashion.

Maurader enemy is just... stand still... wait for axe... shoot some; maybe do a combo of shooting quickly, wait some more... axe.... shoot. Dodge some shit in the way. Dodge the dog maybe. Refill your health/ammo maybe while you wait around... wait some more... hope you're standing in the indiscernible amount of space between him so he actually does the axe swing... wait.. shoot him again. It is just not fun at all. It's just so bad. Imagine if in DOOM II you had to stand around in front of the Archville for 5 seconds for him to open his arms up to actually deal damage to him. Imagine how stupid and shitty that would be. Instead you just fucking shoot him and keep going just like always.

I would've loved him if he didn't feel so janky. An enemy that's open only when he attacks is actually a nice idea, but damn his AI likes to get confused or whatever, throwing off your reactions. Still better than those witches from SS3.