Does Zig Forums regret sending it now?

Does Zig Forums regret sending it now?

Attached: Treehouse.png (590x514, 489.63K)

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Zig Forums is pathologically obsessed with cockriding the Nintendo jap dick

Attached: nintenjanny.jpg (1118x787, 160.15K)

Was this before or after all those Wii U and 3DS games were getting censored?

Modern Zig Forums?

Lol no. Just look at all the anti xbox ps5 and pc threads.


NoA has been nothing but shit ever since Reggie left.

Never 5get

Attached: 1596290818546.png (863x136, 149.39K)

No this place is still full of Nintendo simps


Remember the janny approved raids Zig ForumstendoGAF pulled on TLOU2?

Attached: 1596354709711.png (1204x740, 170.17K)

No but that is pretty based. TLOU is a garbage series.

small dick take

>Zig Forums sends Gaben a birthday card
>Valve stops working on games

>Zig Forums sends Kojimbo a birthday card
>Kojimbo fucks MGSV development and makes a mediocre new game while spending the budget hanging out with celebrities

>Zig Forums sends a card to NoA for no reason
>Threehouse stops being any good since then

This was after the first Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3. Sony and Microsoft showed literally nothing but CG trailers, sports and CoD. Everyone was just happy Nintendo showed some actual games and gameplay.

nintendo has always been censoring games
so during

Zig Forums is a nintendo board, fucker.

I want to go back. If only people knew what Nintendo would do years later. Now Nintendo is run by bunch of Finance/Accounting nuts and its been shit ever since.

Attached: 1600775738883.png (896x1060, 1.76M)

>"Thank you for giving us advertisement for us to consume!"

Im just starting to think Nintendo was never good.

Death Stranding is based though


This. I don't even know who his replacement even is.

Post the treehouse "shame on you" card. It's even more embarrassing.

Doug Bowser

We sent the Kacho a card. He's still at it to this day.

Nu Gamecenter CX is shit though.

>Zig Forums sends Iwata a card
>He gets even more sick and dies
Zig Forums should just stop sending cards.

I'm gonna... Im gonna...CONSOOM!

Thats cool wish i was apart of that. Maybe not the wii u part of it but something involving a card

just send cards to the right people like EA

They found the one dude with th last name bowser and used him

Did people use Based as far back as 2014?

really makes you think

what the fuck
I could've sworn it started in 2016