What was the biggest waste of money you ever did spend on a video game?

What was the biggest waste of money you ever did spend on a video game?

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buying keys for tf2
i got an unusual once then realised i didnt fucking care and just gave it away

I bought this lol

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J Stars Victory Vs

Wasted like $70+ on Time and Eternity, was easily the worst game I ever played

i bet her vulva is so hairy and greasy

I've bought Dragon Age 2 solely to shitpost on the bioware forum.
Never even saved the cdkey anywhere.

holy retard
at least sell it and get your money back dumbass

Put about $100 into a gacha game once. I learned my lesson though, and compared to some people I got off easy. I should've guessed I had an addictive personality from my childhood spent playing Runescape.

$200 in Dota microtransactions

i spent extra on the collector's edition of halo wars, since it came with the halo 3 map packs included for free
thinking that i'd be able to have the extra maps to play with my brother because we didn't have internet for our xbox

Bought Animal Crossing when it came out, lacked in content and didnt help that the community were a bunch of two faced trannies

Pre ordered cyberpunk. But shazam-sama showed me the way and cancelled it

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BFA, played it for 3 days and quitted because it was literally the same as legion but worse

why is she wearing her underwear on top of her tights?


So she can get paid to take her underwear off three times.

Sega Genesis Collection for PS4. The emulation is shit, I expected something as good as the one for PS3
13 sentinels. The game is good and enjoyable but damn it dropped the price very hard and very fast
Cadence of Hyrule physical edition. Same as 13 sentinels

Genshin Impact crystals, spent around 200 usd. not that much compared to other guys but still I'm fucking disgusted, uninstalled it 2 weeks ago.

nier automata

buying overwatch

I wonder if this is just a particular brand of Japanese autism. I remember Karin from Street Fighter Alpha also had panties on over her tights. I thought it was odd even back then but I've seen it on a decent amount of fan art.

never, I don't buy games unless I know I like them. Pirate first, buy if it's good. Also never buy or play console trash.

Do not lewd the breezys

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It isn't one specific game, but every couple years I buy whatever the popular new fighting game is meaning to get into it and then like a week later I remember why I hate fighting games. I've been doing it for the past 10 years.

postal 3

isn't that in early access?

I spent $300 on a physical copy of Summer Lesson Alison Snow and Chisato something or other. THe game is rare now and i specifically bought VR to play that title. It was sold out and i had trump bucks so i splurged. Saw another for $150 with no cover, which i couldve just printed. Probably shouldve bought it and sold it for $300 which is what they go for now. Still feel like i jumped the gun.

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Preordered Battleborn. I liked the game, but the servers died within like 2 weeks
Give Kanamori gf

I would pay her desu

So people can stuff bills in there.

why would they stuff them in there? why not just get a wallet?

why is there no cosplay jav yet?

Either $60 for Street Fighter X Tekken or $55 for Astral Chain. I actually got more hours out of SFxT than AC so I'm not sure which.

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I just bought the Infinity Engine Bundle for $44 and I know I’m never gonna play those games.

Bought a vita for Dangan Ronpa 2.

>panties over pantyhoses

Eizouken creators are one of the few that actually threaten to exercise Japan's strict copyright law if you make porn based on the girls. Most doujinshi could get shut the FUCK down, but Japanese companies realize it's harmless free advertising so they don't. In this case however, Eizouken's creators really don't want lewds to exist and be sold.

Why is she wearing her panties on the outside of her hose what the fuck

thats interesting why?

Street Fighter 4 skins

Some stupid character DLC for original Neptunia. It was the first time I got PSN cards, and I was like "Holy shit, this shit is on sale right now! It's so cheap, I gotta buy it!"
I've bought some crap games and accessories before and after that, but those Neptunia DLCs are my biggest regret.