He fucking won
He fucking won
"Zig Forums - Video Games"
Why haven't any good star wars games come out in so long?
>if you don't count all of the votes, I win
No she won.
Cope over there.
This feels weird now.
elections can't be rigged, sweety
>s-stop counting
they literally should have stopped counting votes after election day, it's not called election week trannies
Could someone post the image with the caption"IT'S OVER" both biden and Trump versions please
You will never be with a woman.
Who says that?
elections can't be rigged, sweaty
Watching that election from the outside what strikes me is that if you take for granted that there was a significant amount of fraud involved, what happens next? Do republicans just hope it doesn't happen again in 2024?
The countries already finished but I'm interested to see just how bad things can get under the democrats over the next four years. My country tends to be a bit downstream of america so I hope we don't get gayed by the globohomo.
Based non video game poster
the left
You will never be a woman.
lol they thought they could just keep finding ballots until they won
>if you make up some new rules 3 days before the deadline i win
even if voter fraud changed whoever won the election, there is no way in hell the voter turn out is as low as op's image, so complaining about it is retarded
also, this isn't video games
this is why children aren't allowed to vote
I know you're not.
it's all good we got another van full of ballots coming around the corner :)
Left: It's rigged Russia clearly hacked into the election to make Trump win REEE!!!
Right: Sorry sweetie but there is no evidence Russia interfered with the election :^)
Right: It's rigged the mail-in ballots clearly came from liars and dead people voted for Biden REEE!!!
Left: Sorry sweetie but there is no evidence the election was rigged. :^)
Both times were the same thing too, it was the losing party trying to make everybody angry on purpose so that you'll vote for them next time though.
The whole reason for all the debate right now is because they want you to be angry so you'll vote in 2024 for their party because you are motivated now.
You should really stop getting all your news from Zig Forums, it's rotting your brain.
>Rules that have existed since the dawn of voting don't count if I don't like them
That's never been how ballots have been counted
>Republican lawmakers intentionally pass laws in Georgia and Michigan that they have to be set aside and can't be counted on election night
What did they mean by this?
You lost. Get over it.
BASEDGUMENTS: (onions arguments)
>You will never be a woman
>tells states that they can only start counting the mail-in ballots after Election Day has started
>get surprised when mail-in ballots in the above states take more than a few days to get counted
trumptards are truly one of a kind.
does that thing have a hanger full of other star destroyers?
Whoever makes them upset at the time
how do you homos live with your ignorance?
>Dad is full blown Trumptard
>Insists the virus is a hoax that the Democrats made up
>Last week grandma got COVID and died in the hospital
>He spends all day crying about how he wishes his mom was still alive and how he wanted to see her during the holidays
>I say "But dad, I'm pretty sure we'll be able to see her again."
>He asks what I mean by that
>"Well you said the virus was a hoax, so obviously grandma must be faking her death, too."
>He lunges at me, I sidestep him easily because he's an out of shape fatass boomer and laugh at him
>Doesn't talk to me anymore, all he does is watch TV now
>This morning I saw his Trump hat in the trash
>ITS A PANDEMIC we need new rules 3 hours before deadline thanks sweaty oh look another van full of harvested votes coming around the block :)
why come the right can't cope?
Rest of the world called it before Americans. We paid out bets on it for Biden the day after.
>he doesn't know
Holy based
Ironically pretending to be a paranoid schizo shitposter is still shitposting.
those are the same fuckin rules that let trump win in 2016
it's over
>Trump's lawyers have failed to provide evidence in dozens of lawsuits and have been laughed out of court by judges
man with all this evidence that Zig Forums has you'd think this would be a slam dunk
If you unironically think getting your news from Zig Forums is taking the red pill, you're pretty retarded
You mean Trump's department specifically created to ensure safer elections, who said this year was the safest election?
Just range ban everyone that posted in this thread. Me included
2016 - he won cope
2020 - he won REEEEEEEE
>Shitposter who (probably) spends half his day spamming Zig Forums with his agenda tells Zig Forums user to stop browsing Zig Forums