Tell me about your favorite game

Tell me about your favorite game,
And the biggest mistake you've ever made

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I dunno if its my favorite but I've been into the ASOIAF mod for warband lately, and I was almost a year into it in the game world before I finally figured out how to buy businesses. I feel like I'm behind now and the white walkers are gonna push my shit in

Half Life 2. I've played through it countless times, first on Xbox 360, then PC. I think I've played it somewhere between 300-350 hours
>take a uni writing course
>cute girl who sits across from me writes a review of my story, gushing about it
>constantly hype myself up to talk to her, but too timid/inhibited after years of sexual abuse and humiliating experiences
>don't say a word to her all semester
Even my therapist got angry with me when I showed her the note and explained I didn't say anything to her as I was too scared.

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By virtue of how many hours i clocked into it and i had a lot of good memories, playing Diablo 2 with a mix of irl mates and vg autists back when there used to be a d2 general. Played exclusively hardcore.
I should have dropped out of college, or not even attend at all and focus on work at an earlier age.

user... go to her

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Coming to this shithole

New Vegas. I broke my harddrive and lost a shitload of mods I never uploaded onto Nexus. Gave me depression for a while

Biggest mistake: Buying a Wii U.

Dark souls 3
I slept with my mother. she wants to have sex with me again on christmas. i just cant look at her the same anymore and i don't know what to do

Dark Souls 2.
Getting married.

It's possible to recover a large amount of data from broken hard drives unless they're severely fucked, like in a fire or something. There's plenty of companies out there that can recover it for you but it may not be cheap

Age of empires 2

Deciding it was my favorite game because the community is fed

I took it to like 3 places already and they haven't been able to. I'm thinking of going to Best Buy but they said it'll cost me a lot

Dark Cloud
[spoiiler] Doing the thing that made me potentially be arrested in the future when the investigation is done. [/spoiler]

paper Mario. it's the perfect game. charming, funny, beautiful, perfect length, good amount of side quests, memorable as hell. literal perfection.
going to college and not changing my major from English even though I knew it wouldn't help me get a job after graduating. trying not to focus on "should've" types of thinking though, as my therapist taught me to be more "fair to myself" and my past mistakes.

i flipped the fuck out when my ex told me he left me for someone else and threaten self harm

Exanima is probably the game I can say I've been the most satisfied with when it comes to gameplay.
as for my biggest mistake:
>be me but in high school
>start texting some random girl and it turns out that she goes to my school
>begs me to meet her but I avoid her for at least a week by making excuses
>finally talk to her in person after school
>kind of awkward because I can't carry a conversation
>complains to me about her boyfriend
>she tries to invite me to a bunch of places to which I nervously decline most
>except one
>she wants to go to the mall with me
>I finally oblige
>I don't have service for my phone so I told her to meet me at a specific part of the mall
>she isn't there
>decide to go inside and see if I can find her
>walk around for like 30 minutes as my face turns as red as a plum from being in the general presence of couples that are my age
>walk out kind of pissed off
>my fucking mom just so happens to drive by as I leave the mall and I wave her down
>"wtf user what happened?"
>tell her they didn't show up and just tell my mother to take me home
>turns out the girl who invited me was with her boyfriend and expected me to third wheel or something
I hate that I even wasted my time with normalfags.
We met up like once or twice more after the mall thing and some literal manlet tells her something pertaining to prom or something (after breaking up with her previous boyfriend), and she walks off without a word to me. I walked home and never spoke to her again. The embarrassment from having spoken to women can never be erased.

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post tits

even after a year i still fucking miss him like a retard, whatever at least im good at a fucking videogame and he's not, miss you chris
sorry mate i am male


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Oh, goodie! Time to roll in our own shit and gnash our teeth, boys!

How I LOVE moaning and groaning about the passing of my personal "golden age" over and over and over and over and over . . .

Dangerously based

what you do?

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Makes sense.

please user try to reconnect

I've done the same

She's probably a lesbian, just tell yourself that

It goes on far too long, recycles the same boss battle three times and the creator openly admits to being inspired by a different game, which shows. I still love it, though.
Finding Zig Forums

You hunt the monster over and over until you geta weapon and some armor, then you do it some more for a pretty cool gem.
Sex with two of my friends, not at the same time. Now I'll never be a wizard. Sex was neat though.

HM/RF/Stardew Valley since they help me escape reality.
I am still trying to get my associates in community college while I'm 27. I'm slowly losing money each year by not being able to keep up with yearly rent increases on low wages. I am also a legit retard and will probably fail a class eventually.

Dark Souls 1

Biggest mistake was not fucking any of the 5 girls who showed an interest in my during high school. 2 of which were actually fighting over me lmao. Could've tasted that sweet puss

Fallout 3 and I accidentally repaired a hunting rifle with ol’painless and ruined that character for me

Morrowind. Overshared with a girl.

why did it have to be my fave as well

had relations with a woman and I'm paranoid that she felt uncomfortable but never said anything.

I’m in a similar boat. Sometimes I regret choosing the career I’m in. The stress is extremely high and all I really want is an easy job. Instead I have more responsibility because of my education.
Mass Effect

do you still live nearby? no reason not to hit one of em up on facebook or something just to find out if they're still interested

What job did you choose? Currently in college and wondering I will travel down this road.

If that's your biggest mistake i cant imagine things have been all that bad

Law, but It’s not really about the job itself it’s just that it’s not a good fit for me. If you’re in college the simplest advice I’d give is do what you’re good at.