>I'm Fragile but not that FRAGILE
I'm Fragile but not that FRAGILE
Why are you so obsessed with Death Stranding?
>kept mixing up the english(fra-jyle) and french(frajeel) pronunciation
so much for a professional actress
good game
Because fags can't stop jerking off over this pile of shit.
Is it true that all the roads and bridges and ziplines you create in this game eventually decay and disappear?
Why bother?
mating press
they can be repaired/maintained either by you or by other online players.
but for an offline gameplay it'll be impossible to manage all the roads and structures all by yourself
What's wrong with this line of dialogue?
Princes Beach! lololol
lets skip across the sandy beach, Sam!
10k more miles!
more like console tards cant stop seething over the fact they are too retarded to understand the game
I could not finish this game even with cheats and the game sped up 5x.
Fucking hell man it just makes no sense.
it's the last pun to break the camel's back
and the way the says it
>makes a thread everyday trying to shit on the game
>everyday people respond about how they liked the game
>"Because fags can't stop jerking off over this pile of shit"
you are the obsessed one brainlet
I think it was criminal to waste Seydoux on Kojima trash
>filtered by a kojimbo plot
because is the biggest dissapointment of the decade.
not everyone wants instant gratification
I was utterly disappointed by the ending and what led up to it.
At least all that cheesy shit made me continue with my backlog so I played Darkwood right after, as I craved for something truly grim. Boy did I fucking enjoy that game as opposed to Death Stranding, now Darkwood I've finished 3 times in a row just because of how comfy and (in a way) familiar it felt.
So what I'm saying is, thanks to Kojumbo I got to play an actually good game because DS turned out to be a massive fucking disappointment in terms of atmosphere/story.
>strip her to have her get ruined by the rain
>let her keep a top and panties
i thought the japs were based. it's not like Lea is against showing skin
That would've have upped the rating though, I guess they'd rather avoid it unless it was super necessary.
play it with the mexican voices, is better
Kojimbo is too much of a westaboo to stay in the jap category
Did Higgs ever say why he disliked his face so much? I thought it might've been some important thing in his backstory, but I don't recall any of his notes mentioning anything about it.
>pretend to be friends with a bunch of z-list celebrities while cutting them million dollar checks
is there anything more pathetic LMAO
Which fragile is she talking about?
How anyone can defend the writing in this game is beyond me.
Do you see anyone defending it?
Darkwood is fucking great.
Read the thread.
I only see people expressing their disappointment with this pile of shit
this. Kojima is a hack.
Damn right it is.