EVERYTHING that enters the portal inherits its motion (option B is the most consistent otherwise you are throwing away the motion o the second world relative to the entering objects)
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It's option B regardless. Zig Forumstards cannot into physics.
What happens?
objects passing through portals are affected by local gravity, not the portals, as the portals themselves are a literal hole.
there is no kinetic energy in the pole to act on the box, its simply appearing to be moving relative to the entry hole, and would plop
it is unironically the hula hoop logic, A
If its not providing any kinetic energy then how is the air moving out of the way?
The objects passing through inherit motion from the space they are entering which -is- moving relative to the first space.
How do we cure Aism Zig Forums?
HAHA I was right all along
>Thanks Sean Carrel!
Of course it only makes sense given the second space IS MOVING relative to the first
>You must think of the portal being two spaces that are cloned and if the portal is moving then the second space is as well! HAHAHAHA
A believers do not understand that the space approaching the cube through the platform IS MOVING relative to the cube and when the cube passes through it inherits this motion!
the box's energy is only affected by the pole, which contains no energy. the portal around it is moving but the box nor pole are pushing into anything.
Otherwise, youre claiming the pole is accelerating away from itself
The motion is coming from the space it is entering. The space it is entering is moving relative to the first space. This motion is inherited by all objects that enter it.
ive converted to a Bfag
The only logical answer (even though Portal doesn't support moving portals at all).
I'm going to suffocate from the pungent irony exuding from this post.
I don't doubt that B is correct but it feels goofy as fuck for the portal to seemingly impart its momentum onto the cube without even touching it or physically affecting it in any way.
Getting spooked by that action at a distance, are you?
its not
the space that the cube and pole entering has no movement, in order to enter the space it must move into it, thus imparting energy/momentum into the cube when it moves. the cube would fly off if the pole stopped due to the portal stopping movement.
the portals arent really relevant so much as their environments are
The cube is already moving relative to the second space even before it's entered it. After it's entered it it just takes on the motion it already has relative to the second space.
You can't even place a portal on a moving surface haven't any of you retards ever actually played portal?
it could be either and it depends on the physics of the portal which is an unknown.
have you read the thread? Everybody knows portal does not support moving portals. The question is what would happen if it did properly.
Apparently this tard has never played Portal. Physicists my ass
Portals can't be placed on movable objects, have you played portal?
Wasn't there a scene in portal 2 that required it?
everything in the universe moves constantly
>Otherwise, youre claiming the pole is accelerating away from itself
your the 1st user ive seen come this close to the actual answer.
If you try to enter a moving portal you just get pushed out of the way
ironically the correct answer, not that anyone knows WHY, but at least this user came close to this with this answer
In that video, lets take the perspective of the cube.
>youre the cube
>if you look up, you see the blue portal approaching you.
>if you look at the orange portal, its not moving.
>but the orange portal and the blue portal are the same location in space.
>the same location of space is both approaching you, and not coming any closer to you equally.
>you can look through the blue portal, and see yourself stationary on the other side.
>you can look through the orange portal and see yourself moving.
Because moving portals cause a paradox of "youre both moving and not moving at the same time" the error of the video is relatively reflective of what happens.
If you look up you see the other "world" approaching you at the speed of the platform, if you look at the orange portal you see your own space approaching you at the same speed.
>in both cases the "other space" is moving towards you and
it's this motion that you inherit when you step into a moving portal.
both are technically moving. stationary is only a perception.
Impossibility of moving portals relatively to each other is one of the limitations that is explicitly stated in the game though.
>both are moving
Right. The "other space" is moving towards you at the same speed the "stationary" you is moving towards the "other space"