FFX thread

Thoughts on Lulu?

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You will never be a woman.

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hottest final fantasy girl design

what did she need all those belts for?

I played FFX during a big gathering at my house of my parent’s friends and every fucking adult man that came downstairs had to make a comment about Lulu’s tits. Like man, I get it, but I’m like 13 I don’t want to talk to you and your grey hair and beer belly about anime titties

All I know is love FUCKING LOVE gothic bitches

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to help keep her dress up of course

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why did she need 40 of them?

because she likes to take them off and spank herself with them
different sizes for different moods


Literally the best female in any Final Fantasy ever.

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why not?

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Finna sphere shot

hey there bruddas nice thread but remember i shot my seed deep inside that

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This is MY story

You will never have sex

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>Thoughts on Lulu?


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every time i see this fucker's face i laugh because it just oozes unintelligence

The only time Nomura's overusage of belts wasn't that bad.

What the fuck is wrong with Nomura?

Hot Hot

Been spilling seed to her daily since 2001 and show no signs of stopping anytime soon.

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Nothing, he creates based characters

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i respec'd her to be a fighter

yah he's supposed to be based on Hawaiians

She looks good but is one of the most boring characters in the series

Why the fuck isn't FFX on sale on steam?